Author: sybil

Did God Tell Bush To Go To War?

President George W. Bush claims that God did so. Having given the order, the president walked alone around the circle behind the White House. Months later, he told Woodward: “As I walked around the circle, I prayed that...

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John Bolton, up to no good

as usual. Bolton has a tin ear when it comes to listening to other countries.(The Nation) There is a bio on Right Web. I emphasize what will go down in history as Bolton’s most disgusting act: In July 2002, the Wall Street...

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The Case for Impeachment

[From the diaries by susanhu with minor edits.] Why We Can No Longer Afford George W. Bush by Lewis H. Lapham I would like to draw your attention to this essay in March 2006 issue of HARPER’S. Lapham bases much of his...

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The Connection between 9/11 and Saddam Hussein

There is a connection in that the jihadis who perpetrated 9/11 could not have expected a better outcome. They knew the US reaction would be a swift and brutal vengeance against a Muslim country. Those who attacked the USA on...

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Egypt’s tragedy right out of Syriana

Partial synopsis of the movie: From writer/director Stephen Gaghan, winner of the Best Screenplay Academy Award for Traffic, comes Syriana, a political thriller that unfolds against the intrigues and corruption of the global oil...

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