Author: teacherken

A July 4th Covenant

is the title of piece by Marcus Raskin put out today courtesy of TomPaine, here It begins as follows: July 4th 2005 will surely be known to future generations as a period of terror and insecurity for Americans who wish nothing...

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Bush 41’s Physician condemns the torture

Having served as a doctor in the Army Medical Corps early in my career and as presidential physician to George H.W. Bush for four years, I might be expected to bring a skeptical and partisan perspective to allegations of torture...

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the following is the text of a diary posted today on dailykos.  I will not be posting much over the next week or so, so I decided to do this as my penultimate post for now ad dailykos ———- In the past I...

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Does it matter?

Now that summertime has come, and I do not have my students to deal with, I have been able to spend more (too much) time online, reading blog entries and making some of my own. In this process, I have encountered writing ranging...

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