A truly Conservative Court
Tom Oliphant of the Boston Globe has a very itneresting piece today on the court case in which Rossi’s challenge to Gregoire’s election as Governor was heard. The title of the piece is the same as that...
Read MorePosted by teacherken | Jun 12, 2005 |
Tom Oliphant of the Boston Globe has a very itneresting piece today on the court case in which Rossi’s challenge to Gregoire’s election as Governor was heard. The title of the piece is the same as that...
Read MorePosted by teacherken | Jun 11, 2005 |
Yesterday Maryscott posted a diary on The Meaning of Life. My slightly snarky comment was that we needed a diary with the inverse title that you will find on this diary. I decided this morning, slightly later than I...
Read MorePosted by teacherken | Jun 10, 2005 |
Sorry if this makes the comments thread a bit complex, but I think both Derrick Jackson’s The GOP’s Poerverty Gambit and H.D. S. Greenaway’s Protesting too much on “gulag’ are things people should...
Read MorePosted by teacherken | Jun 6, 2005 |
NOTE crossposted from dailykos here — if you are able, recommendations there are also appreciated is entitled The Spiral Staircase: My Climb Out of Darkness by Karen Armstrong, who (a) does not have a...
Read MorePosted by teacherken | May 30, 2005 |
I am, as I write this, listening to the original recording of the War Requiem of Benjamin Britten. It was written for the dedication of the new Cathedral in Coventry, the old having been destroyed in a bombing in WWII that...
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