Sweet, the George W. Bush Sewage Plant

“San Francisco is to hold a vote on whether to rename one of its largest sewage treatment facilities after George W. Bush, in what supporters describe as “a fitting monument to the President’s work”. “

How would that be for an ‘Up Yours’? More here.

(Oh the jokes they could tell on the tour!)

Update [2008-6-26 22:37:20 by TexasDutchie]: Geez, I had it up as ‘sewing plant’.. when I’m tired, you can tell my english goes to pots!

Dobson; get that man off the air

OK, I know it is not going to happen but other than his own radio show, any other media outlet should not give this man and his views the time of day solely for having something to print or air. This is what Reverend Barry Lynn, from Americans United for Separation of Church and State has this to say about him:

“Dobson is an extremist who wants the government to impose his fundamentalist viewpoint. He simply cannot accept the fact that America is a diverse nation that welcomes people of all faiths and none. His tirade today is deplorable and probably the most insensitive of his career.”

“It is ironic that Dobson is holding himself out as some sort of authority on constitutional law and theology,” Lynn continued. “He is not a theologian or an attorney, and his lack of knowledge about those fields really shows.”

Barry Lynn is not only the executive director of Americans United for Separation of Church and State, but an ordained minister who later on became an attorney. He’s put the two at good use. His book Piety and Politics; The Right Wing Assault on Religious Freedom is a great read and actually alerted me to his organization.

Are you fed up with religious intolerants? You’ll need to learn a bit about the religious rights’ attempt to erode that separation of church and state.

Check out the AU’s research on religious right’s organizations and their ‘who’s who’ and connections.

Anything fundamental in this 21st century is an abomination as far as I’m concerned and I have no use for ignoramuses(-ci??[g])being given any form of acknowledgment of their existence.

Fundamentalism, it is often said, is taking religion too seriously. The answer, in this view, is to take it less seriously. That conventional wisdom is wrong. The best response to fundamentalism is to take faith more seriously than fundamentalism sometimes does. The best response is to critique by faith the accommodations of fundamentalism to theocracy and violence and power and to assert the vital religious commitments that fundamentalists often leave out-namely compassion, social justice, peacemaking, religious pluralism, and I would say democracy as a religious commitment. Jim Wallis

Obama disillusionists; Come Join Us Independents

Yes, do, come and join us. See, we know ALL about being disillusioned. Disappointmentment. Not to mention the harassment you get from ‘those’ who do not like your candidate well, you guys just went through the ringer with that one too the last half year haven’t you?

But.. what IS required for joining is the following; (and since we’re Independently-minded, we REALLY do not like the small print so here is it to you straight)


First off, you’re not allowed to feel sorry for yourself. I know I know, it’s a biggie and it’s tough ’cause you’ve been getting together online, angry and upset at your Knight in Shining Armour..misery loves company. But.. it takes thick skin to be working on changing the political landscape. I mean, have you tried talking to people about electoral and campaign reform to anyone? Did not think so.

Secondly, becoming an Independent requires a shift in the brain. You’ll be discussing/working together with a slew of people who call themselves Independents but trust me, sometimes they think totally opposite of you. And yet you pursue the same goals (electoral reform, breaking up that two party system, yadda yadda yadda). Democrats, Republicans, ‘Unknowns’, all together at one table? I know Obama thinks he can be a President encouraging bipartisanship but if you’ve never tried it, or you remain bitter about those 8yrs we’ve had to endure..cha.. just think of it as good practice.

Thirdly.. did I mention you’d be in it for the long haul? Now of course, if enough Democrats mozy over our direction, we’d have more people out on the street and whereever we’d try to actually make some changes so who knows.. the long haul might actually get shortened.

Fourthly, do expect a rude wake up call. Seriously. I mean, have you ever thought about how you treated your local Nader supporter asking you for getting his name on the ballot?? hmm?? We still remember California (nasty asses, sheesh)

Lastly, even though we are a band of Independently run organizations, we do have ‘some’ clout in the election. Swing voters they call us but I personally do not like that term. We’re no ‘swingers’ but try to support politicians at state and national level who come closest to our leanings and if in luck, our pursuits. (electoral and campaign reform, you’ll get tired of that subject but it’s an important one)

So what does this ‘clout’ mean for this election? Well, speaking for Independent Texans, that means we do support Obama. (isn’t it ironic, I’m sure you see the humour in this but stay with me on this one)

See, we off all voters understand that there is no perfect solution with only two candidates who have to somehow appeal to a mix of left or rightwing voters.

You’ll see that that mix at any given table can still cause some pretty passionate and sometimes angry discussions but.. you’re still either on the left, or the right so what can you do? Ahaa! Well that’s the beauty of it all;

You become Independent, still supporting and voting for Obama BUT..sending a big message to the Democratic Party (most people seem to really be annoyed with Pelosi so here’s your chance..); listen to us more closely or we won’t return to the fold.

Call their bluff. And take some distance from it all while helping us Independents out at the same time. You go back no problem, you go back. Hopefully we all will be a bit closer if not really close to all our goals; being heard and yes, yes..electoral and campaign reform!!

Check out some Independent blogs and links.

crossposted at Bloggerroundtable

Joining the Fight The Smears Campaign Blogroll

Mash, from Docstrangelove (Or How I Learned To Stop Worrying) is ready for the upcoming smears and ugly campaign tactics that the McCain supporters and campaign will put out there. The Fight The Smears Campaign blogroll will actively seek to counter all the inundos, smears, out-and-out lies, and other ugliness that seems to have become an accepted lowest common denominator amongst voters and campaigning politicians alike.

Well, no more. Increasingly, voters have and are turning to the internet to investigate if something is true or not. It should become more difficult to ‘drop’ something into the blogosphere in the hopes for it to grow and spread and stick in people’s minds.. WE, the People, have the power to undo all of that. Fight The Smears was started up by the Barack Obama campaign but Mash decided to up the ante.

Join Mash’s Fight The Smears Campaign Blogroll and actively seek out to undermine all those supposed bombshells that the GOP will seek to detonate;

This is from Mash’s post:

(Today) I am launching the “Fight The Smears” Blogroll. If you have your own blog, I urge you to join us and become part of the blogroll. By doing so, you will be helping spread the truth about Barack Obama while helping push the smears into Google search oblivion. As more people join the Blogroll and add the blogroll to their blogs the more prominent the blogroll will become. So join and do your part in stopping the smears.

To join this blogroll, follow these easy steps:

Write a post on your own blog about fighting smears (much like this one) with an invitation to join this blogroll.
Leave a comment on this post with the URL to your post or send me the URL to the post via my contact page. I will add a link to your post on the blogroll.

Sit back and watch the blogroll grow and the smears disappear from search results.
The Fight The Smears website currently debunks the following smears:

Michelle Obama Says “Whitey” On a Tape
Barack Obama’s birth certificate
Barack Obama is a Muslim
Obama’s Books Contain Racially Incendiary Remarks
Barack Obama Won’t Say The Pledge of Allegiance/Won’t Put His Hand Over His Heart

I’m joining up. Are you? Go to Mash’s site to copy the code! (I had it up here but it turned into the actual list. I am not that html-savvy to figure out how else to put the code up here since I added the code to my sidebar already!!
(originally posted on Bloggerroundtable)

Battle fatigue

Most likely, since I have been ferring kids around to two different schools, I’m completely ready for the summer. Politically, I’m very much ready for the summer as well. Hillary and her illogical supporters (because at some point, if you have half a brain, and at least some morals and values to boot you oughtn’t support her anymore at this point in time) are working on empty now, scrambling for any wording that fits the mood du jour. And with all the plenty of intelligent explanations around, I don’t have to regurgitate as to the hows and whys! (plus, did I mention fatigue??)
So it’s good to know that, even though all of Obama’s blogging supporters are alert and at the ready, that Obama and his campaign are looking for a VP. And no doubt the McCain campaign are at the ready to attack Obama with future swiftboat tactics and other dirty tricks, previously only attributed to the GOP.
So just think, when you do get tired of Hillary’s ‘same old same old’ talking out of her dr. Jekyll and Mrs Hyde head, just think, that at least Obama is keeping his eyes on the price. Perhaps us Obamalamalekkadingdongs ought to as well. And I am saying that lovingly! Enjoy the summer and don’t fret over what you can’t control. Leave that energy zapping to the Hillarites.