Gender & Blogging
Just what is the equivalence of a pat on the head complete with lollipop? Is it the left-handed compliment – `well, pretty good, considering you don’t focus solely on politics’. `What a nice little...
Read MorePosted by The Fat Lady Sings | Nov 10, 2005 |
Just what is the equivalence of a pat on the head complete with lollipop? Is it the left-handed compliment – `well, pretty good, considering you don’t focus solely on politics’. `What a nice little...
Read MorePosted by The Fat Lady Sings | Nov 1, 2005 |
I came across this wonderful little document some time back, and have been saving it for the proverbial rainy day. Well – we had a very wet October! Enjoy.Hello there, Maxine here. The Bush...
Read MorePosted by The Fat Lady Sings | Oct 30, 2005 |
This marvelous little soufflé was sent to me by my friend Elaine. Elaine has always been a veritable fountain of the odd and obscure. Whatever she sends, however, is always gold-stamp guaranteed to produce a smile. As I live in a confederate state, she thought I might find it amusing. I did. So will you.
Read MorePosted by The Fat Lady Sings | Oct 20, 2005 |
I consider language to be the richest gift we as humans enjoy. It goes way beyond simple communication. Words themselves possess a certain power – they can transform the emotional landscape – create, destroy, caress – or pound someone senseless with the accumulated muscle of a thousand fists. We treat words carelessly in American society. Words and their applications are often considered trite and disposable, less human necessity and more French fry. The richness – the pure sensual pleasure that can derive from language craft has been demoted – kicked to the curb along with music as an unnecessary art – not essential to the continuation and promulgation of narrowly defined and increasingly jingoistic American standards and ideals.
Is it that we no longer read for pleasure anymore?
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