Author: tjwalker

Bailout Binging Bainster TV Ad

We at AmericanLP have created a new ad to spotlight Mitt Romney’s hypocrisy on the issue of bailouts. By now, most observers have learned that Mitt Romney was against a bailout for Detroit. But what even many political...

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Daily National News breifing 2/17

     AmericanLP covers all the top headlines in politics on both sides of the aisle in this morning’s news brief. Major headlines yesterday once again pointed to a rebounding economy. New applications for...

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Is Mitt Romney "Severely Freudian?"

If you are like me, you are probably still poking your finger in your ear trying to figure out if you heard Mitt Romney correctly when he called himself  a “Severely conservative Republican.” That one goes in...

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Romnenomics Watch AmericanLP’s NEW VIDEO What are Mitt Romney’s “In-Context” Economic Views? Mitt Romney and his campaign have complained incessantly about being...

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