Author: tjwalker

The Ultimate Anti-Newt TV Ad

In case Newt Gingrich does get the GOP nomination, my group, AmericanLP, wants to be ready. So we are in planning stages for casting and shooting a commercial like the one below. Please contact me if you know anyone who would be...

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Who Won The Republican Debate Last Night?

The debate was a bit of a mixed bag with no clear-cut winners or losers. Here is the breakdown: Newt Gingrich–Newt had horrible moments and great moments. When Newt goes on and on explaining why he was paid $1.6 million by...

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FoxNews Rejects French Mitt Romney Ad

My office just got off the phone with Erin Kelly, head of political ad sales at the Fox News Channel. She told us our ad “French Romney” was rejected because everything Fox airs “has to be truthful.” No,...

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