Update on that Absinthe Slut

I tried to warn you in an earlier diary….there was something that I didn’t like about that Absinthe ad with the cleavaged beauty….
And now look!

She’s over at Slate in a totally different ad!

Wow, she really gets around…

Disclaimer: The ad is for “Mate 1 Intimate Dating” and apparently the picture keeps changing…so you may not see her if you link over…

Rochester, NY: Democratic Bastion

Just thought I’d talk a little about my fair city, Rochester, NY, and the mayoral election.  You’re gonna love these numbers!
The results of the Rochester mayoral race were not a surprise.  Democrats have always had a strong hold in the city. link to results.

But don’t you love these numbers?  The Democratic candidate, Robert Duffy, won with 72% of the vote.  So that means that his Republican challenger got 28% of the vote?  No, try 16%…there were two other candidates in the field.

Problem is, once you leave the city limits, and the diverse population, you get into the vanilla-whitebread suburbs, which are strong Republican.  The County Manager is Republican, as was the former.

But it’s nice to walk the streets of my neighborhood and see all of the anti-Bush stickers and flags.  Let’s take consolation when we can get it…maybe the Bush nightmare will soon be over!

OB-GYN CSI: Coming soon on CBS!

Voiceover promo: “The year is 2010 and Jeb Bush has just been elected to his second term.  In 2008 -the Roberts-Scalia-Thomas-Alito-led Supreme Court , having reversed Roe v. Wade- the Bush government threatened to withhold Federal highway funds from any state that didn’t outlaw abortion.  Soon all states had complied…..”
“Watch OB-GYN CSI, and see the newly deputized OB-GYNs uphold the law of the land!   In our first episode, Dr. Sgt. Sledge Rockwell examines and interrogates a twenty-something female, who is claiming to have had a miscarriage.
‘Did anyone witness this, ma’am?” asks Rockwell, as he snaps on his rubber gloves.  ‘No, no…” stammers the young woman, ‘I was alone, in the bathroom…..’
‘Nurse Thornridge,’ barks Dr. Sgt. Rockwell, ‘we’ll have to investigate for any suspicious scrapes or scars on her uterus, call in Detective Stone as a witness’

“In an adjacent room, a 30-ish woman is ecstatic at being told that she’s pregnant.
‘Bill and I have been trying for years!’ she enthuses. Dr. Lt. Smith smiles, sharing in her joy.
‘That’s wonderful,’ he says, ‘it’s what makes this job so rewarding.’  ‘Of course,’ he continues, ‘you’ll have to register your birth at the desk before you leave.  Just give the nurse-sergeant all of your pertinent information.’
‘And my husband’s?’ questions the woman.
‘That won’t be necessary,’ chuckles the Dr. Lt., ‘he’s not the one that’s pregnant, now is he?’

“Follow along as the crack OB-GYN CSI unit tracks down women who have missed their monthly ‘check-ins.’  See the inter-agency cooperation as the Border Patrol checks for any suspicious pregnant women heading into Canada or Mexico….”

“It’s OB-GYN CSI…..new on CBS!”

I Don’t Like the Absinthe Ad!

I don’t like the Absinthe ad because I don’t think a progressive site should be advertising intoxicants (is the stuff considered liquor?)
Also, the ad itself, showing a beautiful woman with cleavage…what’s next an ad for Budweiser with the Swiss Mudwrestling Team?

I’ve got nothing against beautiful women and cleavage, but using them in ads for anything besides clothing seems kind of demeaning to me.

What do the rest of you think?

Fitzmas, T’is the season of gloating…

In the spirit of the Fitzmas season, with its sacred rituals of gloating, I couldn’t help but bring up a direct hit by “Wry the Greek”, posted as a diary titled Harry Reid, That Sneaky Devil! after hearing of the Miers withdrawal.  (Isn’t that a medical procedure?)

In the spirit of the Fitzmas season, with its sacred rituals of gloating, I couldn’t help but bring up a direct hit by “Wry the Greek”, posted as a diary titled Harry Reid, That Sneaky Devil! after hearing of the Miers withdrawal.  (Isn’t that a medical procedure?)
Okay, so others probably thought the same thing.

But when the indictments come out today in true Fitzmas spirit, I’ll be more than glad to link to my predictions, made a week ago.

So go ahead gloat one and all…after all, it’s Fitzmas!

No Joke…DeLay hires Democrat as his attorney!


The man who call his indictments a “political witchhunt” has hired a Democrat to defend him!


The man who call his indictments a “political witchhunt” has hired a Democrat to defend him!
Democrats are evil, vile, scum…until your ass is on the line and then you’d better hire the best, regardless of politics…reasons Mr. DeLay.

The conservatives are all bluff and blunder…it’s not about politics at all, it’s about business.  I wouldn’t put it past DeLay to sleep with a homosexual Democrat if he thought it would put dollars in his pocket and keep his cronies in power.

Harry Reid, That Sneaky Devil!

You’ve all heard the expression that the enemy of my friend is also my enemy…What about the friend of my enemy is also my enemy?  The way that Harry Reid and some other Dems are reacting to the nomination of Harriet Miers is brilliant…but is it on purpose?

You’ve all heard the expression that the enemy of my friend is also my enemy…What about the friend of my enemy is also my enemy?  The way that Harry Reid and some other Dems are reacting to the nomination of Harriet Miers is brilliant…but is it on purpose?
Yesterday Harry Reid said that he knew Harriet Mier and respected her and liked her choice for SCOTUS.  This brought criticism from many bloggers…but Reid also said, quite cleverly, “I also was surprised to learn that she had donated $1,000 to the campaign of Al Gore for President” (paraphrase)

It’s not the Dems that are against the nomination of Mier, it’s the conservatives…they want another Scalia.  Is Reid consciously trying to drive a wedge between moderate and radical Republicans?  Hmmmmmm…..

Bush Urges Gas Conservation…Before Jetting Off On Air Force One

President Bush, in a speech yesterday at the White House, urged Americans to conserve gas by not making any unecessary trips, especially by government workers. See story here
Shortly after making these comments, Bush left on one of his 7, count ’em 7, trips to the Hurricane-battered Gulf Coast on Air Force one, which consumes $6,029 worth of fuel per hour.
So while essential government workers should stay home or take the bus to work, Spurious George is jetsetting around the country in the air version of a Hummer, taking fireman and rescue workers off their jobs to pose for photo ops with him.

I say keep Bush at the White House, and have him turn on CNN.  Bush is like one of those ubiquitous bosses, who whenever they try to become more hands-on with a project end up just getting in the way and fouling things up.  Let him play with his toy soldiers in the WH game room and leave the cleanup to the experts…at least those experts who have more experience in disaster relief than running dog and pony shows…