Author: XicanoPwr

Rove’s Smoke and Mirrors and the Radical Right Hypocrisy

Part I: Rove’s Smoke and Mirrors

It has been a good week, in fact month for Democracts with BushCo on the run, Harriet Miers withdrawing her nomination, and the BushCo machine falling apart as Rove and Libby start to get nervous about impending indictments. However, the master of illusion is working his dastardly deeds. And I am not talking about David Cooperfield.

Truth be told, the Miers withdrawal is part of an elaborate Rovian play.

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The Miers Nomination and the Constitution: Bush’s Pandora’s box

Bush’s decision to name Harriet Miers, his White House counsel and longtime Texas pal, to the Supreme Court seat now held by retiring Justice Sandra Day O’Connor should raise Constitutional concerns.

Miers, who nobody really knows her stance on certain issues, has left very few clues in her previous public posts, which include service on the Dallas city council and as Bush’s lottery commissioner when he was governor of Texas.

But her nomination to the Supreme Court comes as no surprised to many of us Texans who are Bush watchers since Bush had already established this type of precedents when – as governor in 1998 – he appointed Alberto Gonzales to the Texas Supreme Court.

However, two weeks ago, GW Bush did open Pandora’s Box when he told reporters his reasoning for nominating Harriet Miers to the Supreme Court. Which, now, the White House is actively playing down.

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