Author: yastreblyansky

We should have known

Molly Redden at Mother Jones (via Kilgore) has the real scoop on why US local police forces are acquiring all that ridiculous heavy weaponry and those MRAPs. It’s a bureaucratic boondoggle! According to interviews with...

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Note on centrism

Eula Biss (author of On Immunity: An Inoculation) on NPR: There’s a great blog, Science-Based Medicine — and one of the writers on that blog pointed out that when you split the difference between information and...

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Suppose they gave a war and everyone left?

Guardian, last Tuesday: The first strikes landed just after 2am, directed at sites that Islamic State (Isis) has openly used and that had long been flagged as targets. The jihadis were no longer there though, having blended in...

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One of the greatest things about Boo as a writer is what he does with the very-short form, just pulling the guts out of an issue with a couple of sentences and laying it out for the Pond and often as not sparking a fantastic...

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