Author: Zandar1

Global No Confidence Vote: Eternal Zombie Banks

Back when the bank stress tests were first announced, I figured they would give Obama the political cover to implement Plan N and take over failing banks.  Obama could say “Well, we investigated the bank, we did our...

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Global No-Confidence Vote: Failing The Test

It’s looking more and more like Timmy sold us up the river, folks.  You know those bank stress tests everyone keeps talking about as the key for saving the financial system from itself?  Turns out there’s...

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Global No-Confidence Vote: Banksters Rule!

Two stories today highlight the fact that while Obama is doing a pretty good job as President in most respects, he’s still letting the banksters run the damn country and will continue to do so.  First, we see the...

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Global No Confidence Vote: The Next Wave

The Dow has come roaring back 20% in the last three weeks and economic data on home sales, durable goods, consumer spending and retail sales have gotten better rather than worse.  More than a few prognosticators believe...

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Dear Mr. DeSantis:

Much is being made of the publicly printed resignation letter of AIG executive VP Jake DeSantis.  The letter ended up in the NY Times Op-Ed section. I am proud of everything I have done for the commodity and equity...

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