Author: Zandar1

Timmy And The No Right Price Problem

Timmy takes to the WSJ today to explain his plan for saving banks.  I’m actually glad to see this, Timmy The Invisible Boy seems to be trying to be visible.  In his own words:The Public-Private Investment Program...

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Centrists Dems Trying To Kill Obama’s Agenda

Houston, we have a problem.Roll Call reports (subscription required) that a group of centrist Senate Democrats are working to block parts of President Obama’s agenda. As Obama and Democratic leaders consider using a budget...

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How Not To Beat Obama In 2012

First, be a red state Governor from the South who is presiding over a 10.4% unemployment rate.  Keep in mind 10.4% is technically for January. Second, take the 25% of the stimulus money you, as Governor, have discretion...

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The Checkmate Scenario

I don’t know how many times I have to say it, but I’ll say it again:  The GOP must destroy America’s economy by any means necessary in order to regain political power.  How quickly America has...

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A Distinct Pattern Here

For a political party and a President that promised “Change you can believe in” there sure has been an awful lot of news stories about politically corrupt Democrats here in the last month.  Granted, most of the...

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