Author: zenbowl

Holy $%&! – Russia deploys new ICBMs

Over the past few days, something terrifying has emerged in Russia, largely unreported in the US media, and a direct result of the Bush administration’s terrible policies on non-proliferation and nuclear weapons. Russia is...

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Dire news on the dollar

Did you know that in the past few weeks the dollar has lost 4% against the British Pound and 3.6% against the Euro? The sharp drop in the value of the dollar was the cover subject of the Economist this past week. And today, the...

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The real question about the Iraq Study Group

The popular question about the Iraq report that Bush received today is this: Will he listen to the advice of the Iraq Study Group, contained within the report? It’s even the cover of Newsweek this week.Certainly, this is a...

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Let’s have Rice with that Walrus.

John Bolton was an easy scapegoat for US Diplomacy. He had lied under oath about pushing fake evidence to support the Iraq war, and his record at the UN was a case study in heartlessness and paranoia. And now the International...

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