Nuclearly Inchoate Nations (Or, Why Do I Even Bother?)

(Crossposted over at dKos.)

Before the Iraq War began, I put my Congressional Delegation on notice as to how I felt at the time.  Now, sadly, three years later, I have had to quote my own predictive warning back at them, about Iran.

Here is that key quote:

“The time has come to say that the People of these United States have always stood, and continue to stand, against Empire, and to recognize that unprovoked attacks on nuclearly inchoate Nations impels our Enemies not only to develop the technologies of Mass Destruction on a wider, faster and more secretive scale, but predisposes those Enemies to threaten our own cities and People with unspeakable ruin.”

Continue below to read my original 1-March-2003 letter to California Senator Dianne Feinstein, but first that letter’s sad, sad little sister of 12-April-2006:

                                                                zentiger’s Street
                                                                in a Town in
                                                                zentiger’s phone
                                                                zentiger at earthlink dot net
The Honorable Dianne Feinstein
331 Hart Senate Office Building
United States Senate
Washington, D.C. 20510-0504

Thursday, April 13th, 2006

Dear Madam Senator:

    I truly wonder whether you are capable of understanding with what great sadness I write to you today, only to quote my own frighteningly accurate warning to you, Madam.  One that I sent to you dated March 1st, 2003, well over three years ago:

“The time has come to say that the People of these United States have always stood, and continue to stand, against Empire, and to recognize that unprovoked attacks on nuclearly inchoate Nations impels our Enemies not only to develop the technologies of Mass Destruction on a wider, faster and more secretive scale, but predisposes those Enemies to threaten our own cities and People with unspeakable ruin.”

    I can only shake my head in awe at the simpletons who’ve formed United States foreign policy, with your collusion.  This is not, to coin a phrase, rocket science.  If we threaten and attack nations that we accuse of developing nuclear weapons, while allying with or holding multi-lateral talks with nuclearly-armed despots, we are driving non-nuclear nations to develop nuclear capability as quickly as possible!  In other words, on the slim chance that this has not been abundantly clear for the last three, if not five, years:

        The United States has a foreign policy of

    Now I read that this Executive-run-amok is actively planning to make a first-strike nuclear attack on a sovereign foreign democracy!  At what point do you, My Dear Senator, do your duty and say, “In the name of the American People, I say STOP THIS MADNESS!!!”  At what point do you realize that this is NOT about your political fortunes, nor those of your party, but about the fate of the Nation?
    Nay, the world…

    It is in this light, Madam, which I hope illuminates in such a way as to make clear that my insight into this problem is not a difficult one to achieve, that I must repeat my demands of you on that fateful day back at the beginning of March, 2003:

  1.  Do not ever again let this irresponsible Executive wield the Power of War without an express declaration by congress.  No more ‘pre-emptive’ attacks.  What hogwash.
  2.  Give my People back the rights that my forefathers spilled their blood to preserve for their posterity.  Do not attempt to curb inalienable civil rights in the name of Liberty.  This is political blasphemy and insults my daughter’s 400-year American Heritage.  It is also nonsense.

        *  Repeal the ‘PATRIOT’ Act.  
        *  Insist that FISA is obeyed as the Law of the Land.  
        *  No domestic spying.  
        *  No tapping of phones nor reading of electronic or paper mail.  
        *  No unannounced entry into homes.  
        *  No one held without habeas corpus, nor without their basic rights
            afforded them, regardless of status.  We are Americans, damn it!

3.  Above all else, exhort your colleagues in the House of Representatives to immediately draft Articles of Impeachment under Article II.  Section 4. of the United States Constitution.  And when the impeachment trial comes to your Senate, Convict, for God’s sake, if these men are found as guilty of Treason, Bribery, and other high Crimes, as they’ve already admitted.

    Madam, with all due respect, if you had done these things when I first asked you to, it would have been called, “Upholding one’s sworn duty to protect the Constitution from all enemies, foreign and domestic…” and many of our children who are not, would be whole and alive.  So once again, I exhort you;  The Time has come.  And thus I must regrettably add a fourth demand to my sad, sorry list above:

4.  Stop this government now.  Shut it down.  No good whatsoever can come of a United States Government with no congressional oversight, whose People are routinely lied to and otherwise misinformed and actively propagandized, and the Constitution of the United States of America is treated as a mere suggestion, and a poor one at that.  Bring all Congressional and Executive business to a halt, until some maturity and sanity can be restored to the halls of government.  The time has come; Shut it down.  SHUT…  IT…  DOWN…!

    The Time has come, Madam, the Time has come.

Most Gravely and Shamefully Yours,


zentiger’s Street
in a Town in
zentiger’s phone
zentiger at earthlink dot net

And here is that original missive, dated unfortunately 1-March-2003:

                                                                zentiger’s Street
                                                                in a Town in
                                                                zentiger’s phone
                                                                zentiger at earthlink dot net
The Honorable Dianne Feinstein
331 Hart Senate Office Building
United States Senate
Washington, D.C. 20510-0504

Saturday, March 1st, 2003

Dear Madam Senator:

          When a man with the power of the President of the United States threatens the sovereignty of nations with the blood of his countrymen and women, over the objections of a majority of the American Allies, and the voices of millions in the streets of the capitols of the world, a decent respect for the opinions of mankind requires that we finally declare that the Emperor has no clothes.

          When a man with the power of the President of the United States affects to render the Military independent of and superior to the Civil power, the appointment of Justices beyond the consent of Congress, and the People’s rights inferior to the asserted authority of the Executive, to transport his own Citizens beyond Seas to be tried for pretended offenses, even to the very assassination of his own people by Executive and Military fiat, that is a man whose character is marked by every act which may define a Tyrant, and is thus unfit to be the ruler of a free people.

          When a man with the power of the President of the United States equates millions of people marching in the streets of his own Nation’s cities with a marketing contrivance, the time has actually come to call an end to the whole villainous charade.

          The time has come to say that the People of these United States have always stood, and continue to stand, against Empire, and to recognize that unprovoked attacks on nuclearly inchoate Nations impels our Enemies not only to develop the technologies of Mass Destruction on a wider, faster and more secretive scale, but predisposes those Enemies to threaten our own cities and People with unspeakable ruin.

          The time has also come to remember that the American People have always preferred Privacy over Security, and Freedom over Survival.  I’m sure you don’t need to be reminded that among the reasons why the Founding Fathers so carefully limited the Powers of the Executive, and reserved others to the States or to the People, were their understanding that War is the gravest of human endeavors, Empire is anathema to Democracy, and Tyranny will always be the first Enemy of the People of the United States.

          The time has finally come to realize that the greatest Danger to the People of the United States now comes from their own Executive’s unenlightened self-interest.

          I must therefore, however respectfully, demand that you and your colleagues wrest the power to wage War back from the Executive Branch , and into the hands of the People’s representatives where our Constitution, quite correctly, intended it to be.

          It is from these circumstances, and for these reasons, that I also direct you, on behalf of the People of these United States, to repeal the inappropriately-named “Patriot Act”, and take immediate action to end the grotesque “Total Information Awareness” scheme.

           I ask of you as well, in the strongest possible terms, to exhort your colleagues in the House of Representatives to immediately draft Articles of Impeachment under Article II. Section 4. of the United States Constitution whereby the President may be removed from Office on Impeachment for, and Conviction of, Treason, Bribery, or other high Crimes and Misdemeanors.

          I thank you, Madam, in advance, for giving these matters of the most dire seriousness the profoundly concerned regard that they necessitate.   Please do not let my repeated Petitions be answered only by repeated injury.  Our political ancestors, the original American Patriots, did not turn away from their solemn and necessary duty to heave off the shackles of Tyranny in the 18th Century, nor may we in the 21st.

Most Sincerely Yours,


zentiger’s Street
in a Town in
zentiger’s phone
zentiger at earthlink dot net

I also wrote nearly identical letters to Senator Boxer, and my Representative, Congresswoman Woolsey (with whom I’ve had quite an exchange over impeachment, and she has recently jumped on my bandwagon).

The 2006 letters to Boxer and Woolsey were quite a bit less caustic than Feinstein’s, and I actually thanked Woolsey, although in a back-handed ‘stay on your toes’ kind of way.

Now on to my question:

The Returning Dead

Tonight’s {McNeil-Lehrer} NewsHour finished with a poem in place of the parade of lonely portraits of the dead.  I found both the poem and its presentation moving, and I am taking the liberty of quoting it in full below.

However, I encourage everyone to go see, listen or read the original introduction and reading at the NewsHour website before reading my simple transcript below.

My simple transcript below is for the poetry purists who want to read it for themselves, without background or interpretation.
The Returning Dead

Each night I make a drink and wait for them
They have become the day’s concluding news,
Installments from a world without anthems
Or children, unfocusing eyes

A question that repeatedly rejects
My easy terms. They are ones who believed
And acted in the narrow and select
Ways handed them, while ordinary lives

Ran on without interruption
Or bad pictures, as though nothing had changed
Change is the one unanswerable question
Of these faces. The world can rearrange

Itself repeatedly, but these remain
The same, silent in everything they lack;
That’s what they’ve come to, in places with names
Like Afghanistan, Iraq,

And this is the way it happens: the words
Are old – mother, father, home – and will catch
Surrounding currents in the slow absurd
Descending will of any river etched

Out of a landscape history refines
To myth. The TV blanks between
Segments, but every static face defines
Itself, holds stubbornly its private scene…

Fixed, publicly, as we are led
Back to that little negative whose lack
Is each of us, staring the staring dead,
Leaning, sometimes like grief itself; then straightening back.

Hypnotized by a Conspiratorial Press

[Cross-posted from DailyKos.]

Yesterday’s San Francisco Chronicle had an infuriating opinion piece by Dick Rogers, the paper’s Reader Representative.

He is replying to the overwhelming objections of readers to a Page A1 story about a “folksy grandma” who happens to be a viscious anti-gay bigot (what I would call a “political extremist”).

In it, he quotes a “Mendocino County woman” as having written to him:

“The American public is being hypnotized by a conspiratorial press that markets the religious right’s agenda as being as American as apple pie and one that hides the awful truth of this administration’s business on Page A14 or doesn’t print it at all.”

A sentiment to which I couldn’t agree more.  However, Mr. Rogers seems not to even understand what “Mendocino County woman” is saying, in his rush to defend the “conspiratorial press”.

More of Rogers’ straw-men, as well as my e-mail to him, with links not included in the original e-mail, below:

“The American public is being hypnotized by a conspiratorial press that markets the religious right’s agenda as being as American as apple pie and one that hides the awful truth of this administration’s business on Page A14 or doesn’t print it at all.”

     –“Mendocino County woman”

To which Rogers accuses this reader of not wanting to see “the awful truth of this administration’s business”:

It seems that it’s increasingly common to hear from readers who don’t  want the paper to print stories about people and ideas they dislike.

And then to make it worse, he goes on to state that “folksy grandma” bigot is more historically important than “the awful truth of this administration’s business”:

There’s another reason the “folksy grandma” deserved space in The  Chronicle. Papers aren’t written solely for today’s readers. They serve a  greater purpose that might not become clear for decades, or even longer. In  the case of same-sex marriage, the instant history that newspapers record  today will become a foundation for understanding the dynamics behind social  change, the evolution of political thinking. Historians, perhaps seeking  context for some contemporary social turmoil, will look back on 2005. Who were  the players? What were their motives? What was the outcome?

By that measure, the paper was not only right to tell the story of the  “folksy grandma,” it was obliged to.

Obliged to!  Obliged to?  At what expense?

My answer was this:

From: zentiger at zentiger’s email address

Date: Fri Apr 22, 2005  10:51:45 AM US/Pacific

To: readerrep at sfchronicle dot com

Subject: Hypnotized by a conspiratorial press.

Attachments: There is 1 attachment

Re:  “Stories that make you see red”, San Francisco Chronicle print edition, Thursday, April 21st, 2005, page B9.

Dear Mr. Rogers:

I think you completely missed the point of what the “Mendocino County woman” was saying when she wrote to you that,

“The American public is being hypnotized by a conspiratorial press that markets the religious right’s agenda as being as American as apple pie and one that hides the awful truth of this administration’s business on Page A14 or doesn’t print it at all.”

There is nothing in this statement that indicates that the writer thinks the Chronicle should refrain from printing “uncomfortable” stories;  only that stories about political extremists shouldn’t be marketed in “American as apple pie” language.

Further, there is nothing in the writer’s statement as quoted by you indicating that there isn’t archival value to such stories, but that other stories with far more alarming implications for the future history of these United States belong on page A1, rather than being buried on “Page A14”.

These extremely serious charges being levied at your paper, and you didn’t address either of them.

By way of example, in the same edition where your “Stories that make you see red” article appeared, there is a little story on page A6 (buried in the middle of Section A), about the Bolton nomination, and it’s only an AP wire story to boot.  On Wednesday you printed another wire story on the Bolton hearing.  Both these stories used the word “unsubstantiated” to describe the accusations of Melody Townsel, all while the Washington Post reports in its Wednesday edition that,

“[Senator] Biden said committee aides recently heard from a person who corroborated [Melody Townsel]’s claim…”

    –“Panel Delays Vote on Bolton Nomination to U.N.”

        By Charles Babington  and Dafna Linzer

        Washington Post Staff Writers

       Wednesday, April 20, 2005; Page A01

Page A1, Mr. Rogers.

Yet at no point did The Chronicle cover our own California Senator Boxer’s accusation that the new Secretary of State is violating the constitution and refusing to provide information to the Senate Committee charged with advising the Executive on its nominations, a pdf copy of which I attach below.

Now I ask you, Mr. Rogers, which is more worthy of coverage, letalone on Page A1:

    (1) Substantiated accusations of criminal behavior on the part of the nominee for the world’s highest diplomatic position, followed by an unconstitutional cover-up at the cabinet level.


    (2) A colorful story about how even “folksy grandmas” can be political extremists.

And which has more archival value?

I would argue that the Republican Party’s systematic destruction of our Constitutional Democracy is the biggest ongoing story of 21st Century American history.

You have done Chronicle readers a grave disservice, all the more egregious in your position as our representative, by not addressing “Mendocino County woman” ‘s charges directly, and by adding insult to injury with your “we’re uncomfortable” and “the great archive” straw-man arguments.

We can see what’s going on, and the sooner you address it with your editorial staff, the better for the Chronicle’s bottom line.  As you say, there are plenty of other sources of news to which your local advertisers won’t have commercial access.


zentiger’s street address

zentiger’s phone number