There was a time during the Reagan administration when Washington Post columnist Richard Cohen was a voice of conscience. That was when I first became familiar with him. And I liked what he wrote. I thought he was an important voice in the national debate. Those days are long gone. Today, he has written a very revealing editorial that would pass as a confession if there were any evidence of contrition in it. There is not. There is no sense that he has learned a damn thing from originally supporting both the Vietnam and Iraq wars only to come to oppose them as the ponies didn’t show up on time.
I want to go over a few items from Cohen’s editorial because they have a lot to teach us about the mindset of the Washington elite and, to some extent, about a very touchy issue: the attitude of some Jewish-Americans toward our Middle East policy. This latter issue is often an elephant in the room that no one wants to discuss, but it is vitally important.
Now, why did Cohen support the invasion of Iraq?
I…originally had no moral qualms about the war. Saddam Hussein was a beast who had twice invaded his neighbors, had killed his own people with abandon and posed a threat — and not just a theoretical one — to Israel. If anything, I was encouraged in my belief by the offensive opposition to the war — silly arguments about oil or empire or, at bottom, the ineradicable and perpetual rottenness of America.
Notice here that Cohen does not disguise the fact that he considered Saddam a threat to Israel, but not to the United States. This threat to Israel was enough for him to support the United States invading the country. That’s wrong. That is a misplaced loyalty. We can be an ally of Israel, and we can even promise to come to their aid if they are attacked. But we cannot put our soldiers and treasure on the line to protect Israel from theoretical threats.
Also notice that Cohen was disgusted by arguments that the invasion of Iraq was about securing the oil fields or about bolstering the American empire. I refer Cohen to our President’s recent comment on this subject:
PRESIDENT BUSH: You can imagine a world in which these extremists and radicals got control of energy resources. And then you can imagine them saying, “We’re gonna pull a bunch of oil off the market to run your price of oil up, unless you do the following.”
That is pretty unambiguous, don’t you think? Would Cohen argue that this consideration is only being made after the fact and had no part in explaining the motivation for the invasion? I think that is horribly naive.
Let’s look a little deeper into Cohen’s thinking on the invasion’s merits.
On the contrary, I thought. We are a good country, attempting to do a good thing. In a post-Sept. 11 world, I thought the prudent use of violence could be therapeutic. The United States had the power to change things for the better, and those who would do the changing — the fighting — were, after all, volunteers. This mattered to me.
The graf is really shocking in its raw openness. When Cohen admits that he “thought the prudent use of violence could be therapeutic”, he isn’t saying that he was wrong, but explaining his thought process. There is a reason why we respect people like Jesus, Gandhi, and Martin Luther King, Jr., and we don’t respect Tiberius, Bull Connor, and Robert M. Shelton. It’s rare for a liberal minded person to admit thinking that a resort to violence can be therapeutic. It cannot. Sometimes it can be necessary. It is never good for the mind. Wise men have attempted to teach us this repeatedly. Most of them were assassinated.
I also am disturbed by his frank admission that our all volunteer army was important in his thought process. The clear implication of this is that our soldiers can be used for purposes that would not be appropriate if there were a draft. In other words, the act of enlistment confers a loss of moral protection. Cohen goes on to say, “To fool someone into sacrificing his life to battle a chimera is a hideous abuse of the public trust.” He seems to be completely unaware that this is the case regardless of whether the armed forces are all volunteer or not.
Cohen then goes on to explain why he now opposes our efforts in Iraq.
My dauntingly knowledgeable Post colleague Thomas E. Ricks reports from the Pentagon that the military is now considering three options for Iraq: more troops, fewer troops (but for a longer time) and no troops at all — the ol’ cut and run. The missing option here is victory.
Victory, Cohen remarks, will be defined down, but it won’t really be a victory any more than Vietnam was a victory. So, why continue to make sacrifices?
Would it be inappropriate to ask Cohen whether he no longer believes our actions in Iraq are helping Israel’s security? Or, has he calculated that the cost now exceeds the benefits?
It saddens me that we have so many people in Washington that put Israel’s security before our own. They will candidly admit this in one breath and then lash out in the next breath at anyone brazen enough to mention it.
Millions of Americans, including a healthy amount of Jews, believe our relationship with Israel is hurting the national security of both nations. Most of us supported and were very hopeful that Bill Clinton would succeed in attaining a settlement of the Israel/Palestinian question. We wanted that process to succeed because we believed it would be the best thing for protecting America and Israel, and it would bring relief to the Palestinian people. A lot of us believe that the process was derailed not just by Arafat’s intransigence, but also by people like Netanyahu and the neo-conservative elements in both America and Israel.
It was very frustrating to us to see important Jewish-Americans like Joe Lieberman, Mort Zuckerman, Mayor Edward Koch, Tom Friedman, Richard Cohen, go along with the neo-conservative grand experiment. I don’t know to what degree they were engaging in wishful thinking, and to what degree they were self-consciously putting Israel’s interests before America’s. To some degree it didn’t matter to me because I thought that, in reality, there were putting neither country’s interests first. They were just wrong, and were supporting policies that would be disastrous to both nations.
But it isn’t just Jewishness that determined this ill-conceived support for the war in Iraq. It was Washington groupthink, too. Cohen’s essay reveals almost all of these faults. His belief in the therapeutic potential of violence. His hostility to self-reflection about the inherent goodness of American foreign policy and its relationship with arms merchants and energy suppliers. His morally dubious belief that there is a distinction between how an all volunteer army can be used versus one that has draftees. His support for wars of choice that do not require the shared sacrifice of the nation.
All of these things are repugnant and Washington’s adherence to these values is what got us to the point where we are today.
Saddam contained was less of a threat to Israel than chaos in Iraq, or a Shi’ite dominated government. Cohen was fooling himself if he thought the reason to depose Saddam was to save/protect Israel.
you know the argument, or rebuttal to that.
Saddam was three seconds away from getting a nuclear bomb in 1991 and thank god he invaded Kuwait on his own initiative and without any reassurances from our State Department, because if he had not then he would have nuked Israel by 1995 at the latest.
Also, containment was failing and he would eventually have been able to get a bomb which he would have immediately used to destroy Israel.
The proof of this is Pakistan, which got a nuke in the late nineties and immediately used it to destroy both Israel and India.
Cohen is an idiot, so much so that I have an entire category at my blog title “Richard Cohen is an Idiot.”
Honestly BMT, I have no idea how you could have ever liked what he wrote. He was relentless about Clinton/lewinsky (never mind Cohen’s own affair with Peter Jennings’ wife). His rationale for Iraq was… well, idiotic. His whole “fool or a Frenchman” line still pisses me off.
And while he’s since tried to jump from the pro-war bandwagon to the end-the-war bandwagon, he’s never once taken responsibility for the stuff he wrote previously. He’s never offered a retraction (even the jerkfaced idiots at TNR admitted they were wrong).
And he’s awful across the board: his columns on abortion are classist, elitist dreck. His columns on Democrats are filled with self-loathing and projection.
Ugh… a truly odious character.
“silly arguments about oil”: classic Cohen blinders. As you correctly point out, even Bush admits it was about oil. Not Cohen.
Honestly, I don’t even know why a blog like BMT would even bother with an idiot like cohen. People like me, obnoxious jerks with nothing better to do? Hell, I’ll fling shit at that ponce from sunrise to sunset.
Cohen in the 80’s was a voice for the poor, the homeless, the people caught up in supply-side dreamworld. He was often Reagan’s harshest critic. Then he caught the STUPID.
Friedman’s book From Beirut to Jeruselum was really quite evenhanded and enlightening. But then he caught the stupid (good phrase).
I agree that Friedman’s book From Beirut to Jerusalem was even-handed and quite good. I also think Friedman has had many constructive things to say on how to settle the conflict. It’s not his fault that no one ever takes his advice and more than it is my fault that no one ever takes mine.
Prior to the war, my thinking wasn’t that far from Friedman’s. I think we both were struggling with the sure knowledge that the war could not be prevented, and were trying to figure out how to prevent a disaster rather than try to stop a war that was 100% going to happen.
The difference between us is that no later than September 2003 I knew that we had a disaster and that nothing could salvage it unless Bush lost re-election. That’s when I became a serious activist. Friedman never saw the writing on the wall.
“Ugh… a truly odious character.”
Yes. I was grinding my teeth in fury reading his column in the paper this morning. He is stupid and immoral and doesn’t even know it. He isn’t even embarrassed to put this dreck out before the public, as far as I can tell.
I am actually quite pro-Israel, though I am not Jewish. But I never saw a conflict between what was good for the U.S. and what was good for Israel in this matter. This war was a terrible idea for both countries. I suspect that support for the war in Israel was much like it was here – high among the Likud (their Republicans) and much misgiving among everyone else.
It’s true that being a supporter of Israel doesn’t depend on your faith. I support Israel’s right to exist within its 1967 borders. I am willing to offer them a defense pact in return for their retreat to those borders.
What I am not willing to do is to use our military to attack mere threats to Israel, when those threats do not apply to the United States. And I’m not picking on Israel. I would not support preemption for an ally’s sake unless perhaps it was as part of general force, like NATO.
Israel has the wherewithal to defend itself.
The problem with Cohen’s view is that he supported invading Iraq because they were an alleged threat to Israel. Never mind that the threat was remote and really only existed in a shadowy future, it is not America’s responsibility or obligation to act in the interest’s of Israel’s security if it does not coincide with our security. Cohen doesn’t see that. He is willing and eager for the U.S. to act in a preemptive manner in the Middle East to deal with mere threats to Israel’s security.
Would he say the same for Argentina? Would he say the same for Christians in Sudan, Buddhists in Tibet, Muslims in Chechnya.
Just now I saw Benjamin Netanyahu on Neil Cavuto’s show comparing the Iranians to David Koresh and advocating that we do a Waco on Teheran before it is too late. With all respect to Netanyahu, if he wants to do a Waco on Iran he should convince his own countrymen to carry it out. He has no business on American television trying to persuade us to support such atrocities.
We have become that army of “God” for so many people. It is a wonder that the evangelicals now link their prophecies to Isreal’s fortune. Now we have to contend with wading through their idiocies before we can even get to Cohen’s betrayal of our country for a cause that isn’t even a US cause, but a religious one.
They are a bunch of fascist thieves, using that wall to steal land and orchards and property of Palestinians. Yes, I know that there are problems, and that the suicide bombers are a difficult problem.
The wall is a fascist horror. The Israelies are not a society that I can support today.
Kevin as Washington Monthly has a new piece:
This is not a land of honorable persons. This is an organized kleptocracy.
I don’t find those kind of judgments to be helpful to the debate. Here is what I wish. I wish that both sides of the dispute would look at some of the more difficult issues that have actually been resolved. For example, look at how civil rights in America was resolved. Look at how South Africa dealt with their seemingly irresolvable problems and nuclear disarmament. Look at the people that had courage and emulate them. Rise above recriminations and solve this problem.
civil rights was “resolved”?
Hmmm, the highly segregated Milwaukee school system kinda puts the lie to that. The redlining of neighborhoods, inequitable application of our legal system on black men, rampant unemployment, studies which show companies are more likely to hire a white man w/ a criminal record than a black man … ALL of this and more would indicate that this country responded to the civil rights movement by systematically dismantling much of the social good our country’s government used to provide because whites didn’t want to SHARE after the courts told them they had to.
In a post-Sept. 11 world, I thought the prudent use of violence could be therapeutic.
This statement gave me the same physical reaction as when I heard Bill Bennet say “Give war a chance.” My whole chest gets heavy with sorrow.
And then I get mad.
Just what the FUCK does he mean by this??!!! Is he saying that the US gets to go on a killing spree to make us feel better after 9/11?
And what the FUCK does he mean by the prudent use of violence? Lets “prudently” kill hundreds of thousands of Iraqi’s so that we can feel better?
What a neanderthal! Honestly though, I think he’s just saying what a lot of US citizens thought after 9/11 – “lets go kick some ass – doesn’t matter who’s ass – lets just kick some.”
This is the kind of stuff that depresses me about my fellow citizens.