I understand what Ruth Marcus is saying, but you should never lament the fall of a shit-weasel like Eric Cantor. The idea that Cantor was some kind of centrist who helped Democrats and Republicans meet in the middle is sub-mental and contradicted by Ruth’s own words:
“An informal dinner party at the Georgetown apartment of Representative Nancy Pelosi of California, the Democratic leader, turned into a celebration.”
On one level, this reaction is entirely understandable. Cantor’s political shape-shifting and overweening ambition earned him few friends in either party. His cynical willingness to torpedo deals worked out between President Obama and House Speaker John Boehner made him particularly noxious to Democrats.
She could have ended her column right there, because in light of those observations the rest of her piece is a non sequitur. Here we have a noxious shape-shifting overweeningly ambitious man who is most famous for undercutting all efforts at compromise and naked disloyalty to his leader.
Will his defeat make things worse? Perhaps it will. But shedding tears for the Cantor doesn’t make any sense. Eric Cantor was in no sense and in no way going to the part of any productive change in the culture of Washington.
The real-life consequence of Cantor’s loss will be to further diminish the already slim prospects for serious legislating, not only dooming immigration reform, at least in the short term, but also raising the prospect of dangerous showdowns on the budget and debt ceiling.
You cannot doom something that is already doomed. And if the nation needs a national default or another five government shutdowns to understand just what kind of beast the Republican Party has become, then that’s what it is going to take. Eric Cantor was thrown out of office for paying our debts and supporting some kind of amnesty for kids who have committed no crime. We wasn’t going to fix the problem with his base, which he was responsible for fostering in the first place. His defeat was just. His defeat clarified where we stand. His defeat shows that Ruth Marcus is simply wrong about this:
This sensible center is willing to compromise; half said they’d be willing to split the difference 50/50 between Republicans and Democrats.
But the centrist majority isn’t inclined to translate this attitude into action. “On measure after measure — whether primary voting . . . volunteering for or donating to a campaign — the most politically polarized are more actively involved in politics, amplifying the voices that are the least willing to see the parties meet each other halfway,” Pew reported.
How to change this dynamic is the central puzzle of American democracy.
This is not the dynamic that needs to change. You don’t split 50/50 with a party that wants to strip the federal government down to the studs, neuter the Voting Rights Act, overturn Griswold, pass a personhood amendment, eliminate the Environmental Protection Agency, privatize Medicare, default on our debt, and force 11 million people to self-deport.
What is it going to take to get Beltway pundits to give up on the idea that the problem is not enough compromise?
Eric Cantor’s defeat won’t solve anything. But Eric Cantor wasn’t going to solve anything either.
The real question is…or should be, anyway…
Said “Beltway pundits” are simply part of a far-reaching media system that trumpets the wishes of the people who control this country, the .01% who are ripping it off today just as they have been ripping it off since Dwight Eisenhower warned us about the evils of the military/industrial complex. That complex has only gotten more complex since Eisenhower’s day…much more complex…and it now stands astride the entire government like the Colossus of Rhodes stood above the entrance to Mandraki harbour, ready and willing to piss on any ship that doesn’t meet its requirements..
Complaining about these people or the mind-control system of which they are a part does no good whatsoever. It’s like the “Write anything you want but spell my name right” idea regarding publicity in general. Are you disgusted by the whole Kardashian-level celebritocracy? I am. What to do? Ignore the motherfuckers is what to do. Same same with the PermaGov media support system. Starve ’em out.
Double yawn.
His bullshit does get rather tiresome, doesn’t it?
And then he posts those gigantic pictures in a third or fourth level reply which cause the screenshot to be so wide you have to jigger the bottom slider bar back and forth to read any comment that’s longer than one line. But hey! Who doesn’t want to see endless repetitions of Obama looking up (“arrogant!”) or that charming chicken, eh? Adds so much to the discussion.
Awwwww…poor little janicket. Gotta move the slider bar!!!
The digital world’s really hard, isn’t it?
Grow the fuck up.
You don’t like my stuff?
Save your slider hand for whatever other things you might need to do with it and go right by whatever I post. I don’t mind at all.
Not in the least.
Your cavalier disregard for the community is duly noted.
My “regard” is reserved for the larger community, DD. Bet on it.
Funny that “regard” doesn’t involve any relevance to the truth about poppa paul or his delusional power hungry offspring ….. you get a wee bit unhinged when posters reveal that truth.
There is no “truth,” clif. Only winners, losers and those who remain on the outside of contentious bullshit. I observe and then I report what I see. Take it or leave it, it’s no great matter to me one way or another. Life will have its say eventually no matter what we mortals believe.
As Hassan-i Sabbah (also known as The Old Man Of The Mountain) said on his deathbed:
All human contention is guesswork. The winners write history, and that isn’t “true” either. It’s just what most people believe is true. You appear to believe that Ron Paul is a closet racist. So do many other people. If the Paulist movement is eventually unsuccessful, that take will be in most history books. If the other side had won WWII, Hitler’s reputation in most history books would be quite different. Is any of this “true?” No. Someone with whom I studied used to say “The life of Life”…and by that phrase he meant the living universe…”The life of Life will try anything.”
Yup. On plentiful evidence in this little corner of said universe that seems to be the way things generally go.
If it works…that is, if it wins…it becomes “the truth” at least until it stops working or it is totally forgotten.
The jury of history is still out regarding Obama, the Pauls and every other goddamned thing you believe to be true.
Deal wid it.
You be bettah off.
Unfortunately, by your own admission, then, there is no way for you to assert the validity of your own claims, since according to you there is no truth to anything asserted. In other words, by your own logic, you provide the rest of us no basis by which to believe anything that you claim.
I provide the rest of you no basis by which to believe anything that I claim?
Only your own common sense will do this. Uncommon sense, to be more precise. Sadly, a commodity that I am unable to provide for you.
So it goes.
P.S. You use too many commas. The sure sign of an uncentered, badly focused mind. So that goes as well.
So the reply essentially amounts to personal insults. Way to keep it classy, AG.
There is no “truth,” clif.
Especially in your posts about the paulistias …… and their brazen quest for power.
Just another idealistic: “I love humanity; it’s people I can’t stand” wonderful guy.
Y’oughta get more sleep, Booman. Up too late glomming the pundits, probably. Their job is to put you to sleep, and they’re quite good at it, too.
Arthur is a conservative, perhaps a non-doctrinaire one, but a vicious conservative all the same:
Despite his attempts to attach himself to liberal concerns about the MIC and encroachments on civil rights, Arthur is a conservative. His lectures are not just tiresome, but astonishingly fraudulent and unpersuasive.
Wait a minute. If you’re on strike, what the fuck are you doing on the internet?
“Well, Dems say the Repubs don’t compromise and the Repubs say the Dems don’t compromise, therefore the reality must be somewhere in the middle!”, said no intelligent and informed person anywhere.
It’s lazy Village bullshit, of course. (But it might help the perception a little if there weren’t so many Dems who are so damned efficient at compromising.)
what dems do you have in mind, efficient at compromising? I have a feeling this is a meme that has run it’s course b/c most of them have been voted out of office.
Fewer Georgetown dinner parties. They see all of the players as good people with simple differences of opinion, and certainly good people can come to a reasonable compromise about the proper course of action, right? And we’re all good people, right?