I guess the Huffington Post can’t quite believe that America is real.
After watching and listening to Donald Trump since he announced his candidacy for president, we have decided we won’t report on Trump’s campaign as part of The Huffington Post’s political coverage. Instead, we will cover his campaign as part of our Entertainment section. Our reason is simple: Trump’s campaign is a sideshow. We won’t take the bait. If you are interested in what The Donald has to say, you’ll find it next to our stories on the Kardashians and The Bachelorette.
Sure, I can understand the sentiment and the rationale. It’s wrong, though. Donald Trump is currently polling at or near the very top of the seventy billion Republican candidates who are running for the presidency. The media have no right to just assume this is all a big joke that doesn’t need to be taken at all seriously.
It should be taken as seriously as a heart attack. And not because I am projecting that Trump will be the eventual GOP nominee. I can guess at that, and of course I have some serious doubts about his staying power, but this is a serious matter in any case. Why is Trump doing so well, and what does that say about the right-wing of our country in this moment of time?
That’s the biggest political story in the campaign right now and it deserves to be front and center, not carried in the entertainment section.
Amen. Fascism isn’t a joke. And yet, everyone is treating it like it is. This shit is serious.
Godwin Warning!
People laughed at a ridiculous Austrian paper hanger too.
I’m thinking of starting a new blog called “Godwin can stuff it.”
100% agree.
Trump is the Cliff’s Notes version of the Republican Party.
(H/t Melissa McEwan)
Like I said…you can’t laugh this motherfucker out of contention.
Paying serious attention to MSNBC or any of its XOF News (Fox News upside down and backwards) satraps like Huff’n’Puff Post or David Latterman simply sustains the useless…and therefore bad…joke.
Why even post about such idiocy?
Like dat.
Treat this man like the clever, burgeoning Hitler he is.
Why CAN’T we laugh him out of the arena??? We did it with Santorum.
No one here is saying to IGNORE him … just laugh him out of the sphere.
You cannot laugh a clown offstage, DF. Not even an evil one. He has embraced…no, make that quite consciously amplified and emphasized…his clownishness. I suspect that this act plus his undoubted negative emotional and sheer size-based physical power…the power of his voice, of his almost Kabuki-like gestures…is the secret of his success in negotiations. People go in thinking he’s just another dumbass and then he wastes them. Dominates them. Bet on it. They don’t know what’s hit them.
The only people who can effectively oppose him are those with either the threat of superior power…more resources and/or the ability to “make him an offer he can’t refuse* (Remember, he’s big in the casino scene. There are still some bad, bad boys floating around behind the gaudy tourist trap fronts of those Disney-like casinos. Bet on that as well.)…or those who understand his dumb-act game.
His crack about McCain not being a war hero? How he likes winners, not losers? Watch. He’ll win on that one, too. Every time some PermaGov fixmeister neo-whatever site lambastes him he will gain more converts.
He’s kind like the mythic Greek Hydra”. Cut off one head and two appear.
It is certainly going to be a Herculean task to beat this guy.
Like I said…watch.
So far, I don’t see any Heracles-level opponents. From any party.
Do you?
I thought not.
Watch. It’s gonna get interesting. If he’s foolish enough to confront the real PermaGov forces, then he will go down. One way or another. Until then? Can you imagine what he would do to HRC in a “debate?”
A horrible thought!!!
He’d crush Jeb Bush like a soft little rich boy nuisance. Which is what he is.
Of all of the possible candidates, I see only Bernie Sanders and Rand Paul as capable of dealing with him in a public debate, and I’m not sure Paul has the emotional chops to pull it off. Maybe O’Malley as well, but I haven’t seen enough of him. Also Biden, who is as tough as nails behind that “I made a gaffe!!!” front. It won’t be a policy wonk fight, that’s for sure.
This comment is now a standalone post.
The Trump Problem. You Cannot Laugh A Clown Offstage.
Please comment there if you have a mind to do so.
Of course…if you do not have a mind, feel free not to.
So it goes.
For someone who is so convinced of conspiracy theories and permagov, I’m surprised you haven’t realized that Donald Trump is in the race for three reasons:
Although he has a tremendous ego, I don’t think he has a real interest in being president.
It’s seems obvious that Trump is playing all sides to his own advantage, and will likely have more power by helping a Bush or Clinton win without having to deal with the unpleasant experience of actually running a country.
If JEB! wins, Trump gets some tax breaks and less regulation and has the Bush family indebted to him. Not a bad thing to a billionaire and will come in handy the next time some greenies want to build a wind farm near his golf course.
Ultimately, though, I think he wants HRC to win since he is much more progressive than he lets on; after all the guy was a registered Democrat, has many high-profile friends that are liberals, and lives in NYC. When he sought the Reform party nomination, he proposed a one-time tax on the wealthy to pay off the national debt, I believe he was also for gay marriage and for universal health care, but am not certain.
If you’ve ever read, “Art of the Deal” you’ll quickly realize that Trump didn’t use his voice or his stature to win negotiations, or beat people into submission, he’s very clever and does an inordinate amount of research on his projects. His success as a real estate mogul was because he pored through zoning codes to find loopholes and used all of his connections to exploit them. Despite his latest bufoonery, this guy is not dumb.
If he can actually pull off the nomination, he’ll have to tack so hard to the left that he’ll alienate his base and will lose the election. He saw how pathetic Rmoney and McCain looked after losing to Obama, that would be worse for his brand than spouting some anti-immigration nonsense. So he’ll probably find a reason to drop out instead of continue running.
So, he plays to the right – keeping the Koch Bros. from getting Walker nominated, he keeps the rest of the crazies from sniffing the nomination, he stiff-arms a Jersey Boy in Chris Christie from even getting to the debates, and he reveals the GOP for what they truly are.
Trump drops out of the GOP primary race in a few months to “run” as an Independent. Bet on it.
Both pretty farfetched.
He certainly isn’t currying favor with Jeb or HRC. Not publicly. Behind closed doors? Maybe, but like I said…it seems a farfetched idea that at this stage of the game either of the interested parties would cede ground to someone as borderline sociopathic as Trump has appeared to be over the past decade or two. If he was nuts enough to marry Ivana Trump he cannot be trusted to do anything sane.
I get it.
He’s from the NYC area so he’s a closet liberal?
i think that in his own mind he has he has run out of territory to conquer and wants the adventure to continue. He doesn’t give a flying fuck about who “wins”…including himself…as long as he comes out even more wealthy and powerful than he is already.
And…he smells blood in the water.
Weak Jeb, weak HRC, even weaker alternate candidates.
He hasn’t “jumped” the shark; he is the shark.
Look at his face.
Go here and look at his face!!!
There are hundreds more.
If a picture is worth a thousand words then the number of pictures of his swollen, red, hard-on face are worth millions of words.
Greed, pride and anger are his only attributes.
He’s a sociopath, mcaffrey81. Nothing more and nothing less. Our potential Hitler/Stalin come to visit.
If the forces that support the HRC and Jeb Butch candidacies are foolish enough to think that they can control a force like Trump, then they are just as incompetent as the other Clinton/Butch controllers have proven to be and we are in for a long, hard Trump winter.
God help us all if that happens.
God help us all.
Let us pray.
Or be preyed upon.
You know who else looked at people’s appearances and decided they were evil? Hitler.
Perhaps you should spend a little less time studying Trump’s facial expressions, and delving a little deeper into actual positions and platforms. Which, with Trump, is much more complicated because his positions have changed dramatically over the past few years.
Consider the following: Up until just a few years ago Trump was in favor of a single-payer health care plan, was pro-choice, was in favor tax increases on the wealthy, blamed our economic troubles on the loss of manufacturing jobs to China, is an opponent of free trade, backed an assault weapons ban, wanted to save Medicare, Medicaid, and Social Security without making any cuts, and thought that Common Core was a disaster.
That is a progressive agenda. So, why the change?
Perhaps he is such a megalomaniac and wants to be president so desperately that he will change his positions like a well-oiled weathervane in order to win. But, Trump isn’t stupid and he knows that his current bloviating on things like illegal immigrants will win a nomination, but won’t win the presidency. So this seems unlikely.
Perhaps it’s a calculated business move: he saw how the fanatical 47% on the right rallies behind a pizza shop that won’t cater to gay weddings, or saw how TP-types flocked to Chick-fil-a and Target while boycotting Chipotle and decided that it’s more profitable to have the mindless sheeple that do whatever Glenn Beck and Fox News tells them as customers than trying to appeal to everyone.
Maybe he’s just joined the Palin-grift and sees the massive profits that can be had by running a campaign.
Or maybe its all of the above, and some combination of him wanting to be a political king maker to exercise his influence later.
Consider that by helping the two likely candidates win, then they will be indebted to him in some way. Anyone can give the money, which I suspect he would do if needed; but sometimes you get more power by helping the powerful gain power. If Trump can substantially clear-out the rest of the contenders, and/or even running 3rd party to knock-off a GOP nominee in favor of HRC, then whomever is elected will be grateful, perhaps even enough to implement some of his progressive beliefs.
My best guess is that Trump is a PUMA, a jilted Hillary supporter that never accepted Barrack Obama as the Democratic Candidate. He tried to use his celebrity to illegitimatize Obama’s presidency because of his birth certificate, and quickly became a darling of the tea party for standing up to the President.
He has been riding that popularity for his own gain, and simultaneously playing the GOTP.
Donald Trump is an egomaniac, but I sincerely doubt that he is a potential Hitler/Stalin.
Scott Walker is a sociopath. Ted Cruz is a sociopath. Chris Christie is a sociopath.
Trump is not a sociopath; he’s more akin to a “heel” in pro-wrestling. The villain that you hate and crawls under your skin to the point where you love the hero that can stand-up to him. Since no one on the right has the intestinal fortitude to stand-up to him, that leaves HRC and the Dems to do so – and bring the moderates/independents/latinos strongly to the left.
Trump is more likely to wind-up running as a 3rd party candidate than he is the GOP nominee; which will pave the way to an HRC candidacy.
Bet on it.
Yiu write:
Awww…c’mon, mcaffrey81. What bullshit!!! What a dumb statement. I mean…I have survived on the hard streets of NYC and environs (and I mean the hard streets, not that tourist trap shit) by accurately judging people “by their appearances.” If a cop ran this trump game physically I would avoid him like the plague. If a contractor…I’m a freelance musician…acted like this guy I would avoid working for him if at all possible and/or watch him like a hawk for cheating. If I see somebody on the street or in a store running the bully game…and I see them all the time…I would immediately bulk up (That is, appear to be a bad bet as a victim, which I am. Bet on it.) and get ready to fight or run. Preferably just get out of the way as soon as possible. Been doing this for almost 50 years now. It’s called street smarts, and I’ve got them. No one has ever taken me down as a result. It was Hitler’s actions that branded him as wrong, not how…or even if…he read faces and body language. His “face-reading’ was racially based. Mine is not.
You also write:
You at least admit that he has changed. My take is that Donald Trump only has one agenda. Himself. The very definition of a sociopath. he’ll change his line if he thinks it will help Trump, but he “believes” in nothing but self-aggrandizement. Yes, he is smart; yes he works hard at finding the angles and yes he has real talent for winning in business. So were Al Capone and Whitey Bulger. So what? As the great jazz musician Trummy Young wrote in a big hit for the Jimmy Lunceford band way back in the ’30s, ” ‘Tain’t Whatcha Do, ‘Hit’s The Way ‘Atcha Do It.”
I’l take my street smarts over your…I really don’t know what it is that you are doing. Overthinking is the best excuse I can manage, and being a Trump plant or a Trump fanboy/fangirl are the worst.
I was in a band several years ago at the opening of a big Trump building just outside of NYC. I sat there watching him preen and listening to him spout his self-glorifying platitudes, and the only thing I could think about was how to get rid of him as quickly as possible. I don’t think that about many people I encounter in person. Nixon was on the same level when I played at a function for while he was president. They both made my skin crawl.
Wake the fuck up. This dude is dangerous!!!
I respectfully disagree. Of all the potential GOP candidates, Donald Trump is one that I fear the least.
He already has more money and more power than a President could ever have. Do you think he is staying awake at night dreaming about having the nuke codes? Get real.
The reality is, no one save Donald Trump knows his true motives. Even then, it’s likely for a wide range of reasons stemming from pushing his reality TV show to his own belief that he’s the only person that can right america. Frankly, that’s better than having people who only want power & money. But let’s not start calling every person that has a vision and a strong self-confidence in their ideas, or that “preens” and loves themselves a sociopath.
He’s greedy, yes, but any of the other GOP candidates, if elected, could easily pass more laws to benefit the wealthy, and in America the wealthy have the power.
I think he also knows that the President doesn’t wield any real power: they are just puppets for the people who put them there.
I’ve been developing land for 12 years, I respect what Trump has done as a developer, although I don’t agree with all of his practices. I’m not a fanboy nor am I plant (but thank you for automatically assuming the worst). I’ve read some of his books on real estate, but I don’t approve of his “Trump University”. I dislike that he fought windmills in Scotland, but I do find Celebrity Apprentice entertaining from time-to-time.
Mostly, though, I find his entrance into the race to be very fascinating.
So, what you may consider “over thinking” I just consider analysis and fun speculating. Which I would gladly take over your brand of self-aggrandizing, holier-than-thou, tin-foil hat bullshit that you spew.
My definition of a “sociopath” would certainly include any person who thinks they are the only one who is right and everyone else is wrong if only everyone would just “wake the fuck up”.
Bet on it.
Do I think he is staying awake at night dreaming about having the nuke codes?
I think power is his ultimate hard-on producer. Like a sex junkie, he just can’t get enough.
And if you can watch his TV shows without getting sick to your stomach…that’s all I need to know.
You’re a “land developer,” eh? You’re a Trump Jr., looks like to me.
End of conversation.
I want to add something here.
You want to know why Trump is just flat-out kicking ass in the Republican primary campaign so far?
He knows why. Bet on it.
Here it is, in his own words. (Emphasis mine.)
I have been predicting for years that the first pol who stands his ground, says what he means and takes no bullshit…no matter whether he is “right” or “wrong” in his stances, because that’s all opinion anyway…will clean up in a nationally covered election.
Here we are.
I think that “the Trump Years”…if they happen…will be worse than the Reagan years.
Like dat.
“Greed, pride and anger are his only attributes.”
No wonder you’re soooo obsessed by Trump, Arthur. These attributes match yours awfully well.
The Donald has pushed some candidates polling numbers down to the point it probably effects their ability to raise money. The Donald has updated the clown car to his advantage. He has reduced the number of seats and he going so fast they can’t keep up. Proof….Jindal is polling a 0%.
i agree with huffpo on this one.
Trump is as serious as he is seen to be, and I hope the idea snowballs that he is no more then entertainment.. He lives by and through the press, and if the press does not take him seriously, he will not be serious.
Treat him as the joke he is, and he will go away sooner.
Trump beats or is even with the “front runners” of the GOP. As someone who doesn’t give a damn about the “establishment” of the GOP and its money men, he will say as he pleases. And what he says resonates with a lot of the base; which has been cultivated and grown, consciously, for the last 40 years. Now the crop is coming in.
Look for him to wipe the floor with the other losers during the first debates. He will be rude, abrupt, and not follow the rules. He will say things that will attack everyone else on stage and the base will love it.
When he starts winning states, or comes in 2nd; that is when the GOP bosses will panic.
Who are the “GOP bosses?”
Who are the GOP bosses?
The monied interests who place their well being before the Nation’s is the easy answer. While there is money in other parties, it is essentially those interests who are willing and able to damage the US in pursuit of wealth and power; knowing full well they and theirs will be insulated from the effects.
They are a resurgent element in US politics. The Gilded Age big wigs ranted against that Socialist TR, then his cousin, FDR. Depression, WWII and Cold War stifled them for a while and a spirit of unity was abroad from the shared experiences of those Decades. But memories fade and we are back to the 1880’s with unlimited (and unrestrained) wealth pursuing their policies with media mouthpieces and political servants.
We can discuss what other tools they have effectively used, butttttt-
There is hope. The Internet has provided a very powerful media outlet that is not in the pockets of any corporate master. Every one has his own newspaper at his fingertips. “Every man a king” of his web page or Twitter feed. When they link together for a cause or candidate, then all the Sunday talk shows and MSM editorials are countered. This has undermined the message control exerted by those interests; letting them watch their waning influence, limited to older and older demographics which is shrinking daily.
However, they are trying to regain their lost influences by regulation and fear. That is why Net Neutrality was so important. So is the renewed fight over encryption integrity. Free access and unlimited expression (public or secret) is critical for OUR democracy.
So if you want to know who the GOP bosses are, look at who will benefit from their policies if achieved. Sure ain’t you or I.
Disagree totally with you guys on this one. If you report a joke as serious, it causes the stupid individuals who actually believe it to feel empowered.
I don’t argue with confirmed racists because it validates their position in their mind.
I don’t argue with creationists because it fuels their conviction that there is “a question” about evolution. (I was very disappointed with Bill Nye’s “debate” with Ken Ham … all the Fundie Xtians claimed afterwards “see!! there IS controversy!!”)
I don’t argue with Libertarians because it confirms their feelings of courageous defiance in the face of craven acceptance of the status quo.
I won’t address the buffoonish behavior of an entitled, balding, conceited asshole because it leads to “see??? You KNOW he’s right, you just won’t admit it!!!”
There are plenty of R’s who hold the positions that Trump claims (and I don’t think for a minute he actually believes it). Report on THOSE as news, because it is.
Trump is a bad reality show.
Even when Trump outlives his usefulness to the GOP establishment by bleeding the other fringe candidates try, it was never about Trump.
Trump implodes, comedians make a few jokes about him, life go on. However, there’s no getting around the fact that he was dominant for a sustained period of time and was dominant because of his cultural revanchism. Those voters don’t disappear into the ether just because Trump went down in flames. The clown car and the circus acts might be hilarious and beneath notice, but the clowns themselves (who all bear a suspicious resemblance to Gacy, Pennywise, and The Joker) are as serious as a heart attack.
At least someone carefully considered the title of this post.
Trump is a weather report.
Never a good idea to discriminate. Herman Cain was and Ben Carson and Carly Fiorina are as much of a joke as Trump. (Not that HuffPo and/or MSM have given them as much coverage as they have Trump.) Like Trump, none of them have ever been elected to any office and all want to start at the top.
Cruz is only in his third year of his first time in office and Paul is only in his fifth year. The others have had longer political careers and except for Walker, not one of them has a political record they care to run on which range from as corrupt and disastrous as Walker’s to merely exceedingly mediocre. They’re all bottom of the barrel careerist pols like GWB. Once didn’t know that anything could be lower in that barrel than Nixon. Than along came Reagan. Then GWB. Shudder to think that there’s lower than GWB — but if there is the GOP will find it and at least 45% of the electorate will vote for it.
As long as 6% more don’t.
Actually, Marie, no. While Cain, Fiorina and Carson have as much chance at the nomination as Trump (approximately a snowball in hell) they are not a “joke” as is Trump.
All of the current candidates have “legitimate” reasons to be in the race: to espouse a certain viewpoint (Cain), to guarantee a specific position a place at the R table (Carson), to prepare for another run for state office (Fiorina), to sell books and up your speaking fees (Huckabee/Gingrich), because they think they have a chance (JEB!/Walker). All of these reasons are valid for putting your name up for Prez these days. Trump has none of these reasons. This self-aggrandizement alone.
A joke. Treat it as such.
So, a clownish character like Cain was “legitimate” because he had a “certain viewpoint” to espouse. Yet, Trump and his “certain viewpoint” aren’t “legitimate?” Wnen did it become acceptable to use a campaign for POTUS as a marketing tool to sell oneself for other jobs or sell one’s crappy book? Doesn’t that intent de-legitimize the candidacy? (iirc Cain was also hawking “his” book.) Welcome to the new world where Americans aren’t citizens but consumers. Consumers too dumb to quickly and easily differentiate between the narcissistic hucksters that have zero qualifications for POTUS and those with some qualification and voters need to evaluate thoroughly and carefully.
Like it or not, “thinking they have a chance” isn’t a figment of Jeb(!)’s and Walker’s imagination. Both have political party and other institutional support and a lot of money behind them. Generic criteria:
As of the date of entering one’s name for President:
Number of years in elective office.
Number of prior campaigns for political office.
Number of prior winning campaigns.
Number of prior winning campaigns for statewide and national elective office.
Number of years in statewide and national office.
Number of years since last held political office.
Accomplishments in office.
Other relevant experience and accomplishments.
rMoney was a lightweight:
Four years in elective office.
Three prior campaigns for political office.
One prior winning campaign.
One prior winning campaign for statewide office.
Four years in statewide office.
Five years since last held political office.
Accomplishments in office: “Romneycare”
Other: none
Cruz is a lightweight:
Two years in elective office
One prior campaign for political office.
One prior win and statewide.
Incumbent Senator
Accomplishments: none (should be less than none for being an irrational obstructionist/bomb thrower)
Other: none
Compare Jeb(!)’s resume with that of Sherrod Brown.
Eight years in elective office.
Three prior campaigns.
Two winning campaign’s for statewide office.
Eight years in statewide office.
Eight years since last in office.
Accomplishments: didn’t get busted for Medicare scams, failed to steal FL for big bro in 2000, didn’t destroy FL.
Thirty-eight years in elective office. Twenty-two in federal office.
At least thirteen prior campaigns. (Twelve wins.)
Five statewide office campaigns; four wins.
Fourteen years in statewide office.
Accomplishments: didn’t vote for neoliberalcon legislation. Clean public office record. (That’s a major accomplishment these days.)
Other: MA in Public Administration. Much more.
The media have no right to just assume this is all a big joke that doesn’t need to be taken at all seriously.
The TradMed is one big joke. We wouldn’t be in the mess we’re in if they weren’t. To address the issue, Trump has filed all necessary reports so far, right? Meaning with the FEC and stuff. If he has, he should be taken as seriously as a heart attack.
All filing due to date have been done and done on time.
Trump is a known commodity. People who don’t follow even politics already love him. He’s smart, he’s brash, and he speaks his mind. He’s seen as a non-nonsense tycoon who makes big investments and if they fail, he rebounds. He may be seen as an entertainer, but he has his own agenda and goals.
The run for the Presidency may be a vanity project for him, or at least it started that way. But when you stroke an ego like his, expect it to get bigger. He seems like the type who will ride this as long as he can.
Making bigotry acceptable is no small thing. That he has done. And sympathetic folks have shown their support.
Ok, I’m probably agreeing with 90% of the commenters here, but haven’t heard this stated exactly so:
Yes, Trump is an entertainment sideshow, but that’s because the GOP itself has become an entertainment sideshow. Yes, that’s right. One of the two parties in this “two party” system is a freak show, the other stands for nothing than anyone can put their finger on, except “not the freak show”.
And the freak show runs both houses of Congress and the Supreme Court and most of the states in the union. Oh, and that Executive branch that the non-a-freak-show party holds? Yeah, they like to talk about how hard it will be for the freak show party to ever win it back. But they got only 52% of the vote last time.
And we can end this thread now, because I’m about to invoke Godwin, but you know who else in the early 1930s could also have been dismissed as a freak show candidate?
Why was does everyone offhandedly dismiss freaks as, well, freaks? The also have their place in the scheme of things, I suppose. But I can’t honestly even say that one is a freak and the other isn’t. The Donald (chief putative freak of the moment) laughs all the way to the bank and will maybe laugh all the way to the White House. Remember, ‘Money talks, nobody walks’. He might reveal the meaning of that enigmatic radio advertisement phrase from the fifties (sixties?, at least in the NY metropolitan area). A very small percentage of the voters need to shift to Republican next year and guess what: WE’RE TOAST.
and this made me smile and admire these two really cool people.
Video — Woman Gives Birth in Car
best response comment to the video:
Scott Brown’s Newest Campaign: Shady Diet Pills
I have a rule: never buy mass produced products that aren’t sold in regular stores. Doesn’t eliminate all the useless, second-rate, and/or sham products, but greatly reduces the number that in a mad moment I might buy.
Strip away all the theatrics and I think he actually has a pretty intriguing deal on the table: a border wall and empowering white racists to make fools of themselves in exchange for universal healthcare. If he can bring the extreme right wing to the table for that deal, then why not? Four years of national embarrassment would be nothing after W.
The Trump phenomenon is affected by decades of R undermining of the function of government. Ppl, including the trad med, don’t discuss public office as something that requires intelligence, judgement, and some level of higher education. and indeed many R office holders simply follow the ALEC script or that of their handlers for votes and spend the rest of their time decorating their offices or attending events. As far as the functioning of the country goes it’s a disaster and let’s not mention the warmongers and the Iran deal. But that’s what the Rs have set out to accomplish and they have.
but today’s Trump news IS pretty darn entertaining.
Something else Trump said today:
This is like an only Nixon could go to China moment. Only a Republican could question why John WarHero McCain is a hero at all. There are men who have been locked up at Guantanamo without trial for longer than McCain was at the Hanoi Hilton. They are called “the worst of the worst” instead of heroes.
And several of those major pearl clutchers are chickenhawks.
There were a few heroes in that abominable war. The men that stopped the Calley massacre. Those who went in early and came back and started the anti-war vet movement are heroes. Those that weren’t on board with the anti-war movement within thirty days of LBJ “losing Walter Cronkite” can only be war heroes if they saved, rescued, etc. a Vietnamese man, woman, or child.
I guess I’m a bigger gambler than most of y’all here.
I’d absolutely love for Trump to be the 2016 Republican candidate for President. Trump is no Hitler. He’s the biggest clown in the car, and his nomination and eventual throat stomping by Democrat X would all but kill the Republican party as a national party.
Talk about coattails. The House would be back in Dem hands by 2016, and with the Republican party virtually dead, we might be able to hold onto it for 2020, the census, and the next round of gerrymandering.
Killing the Republican party as a national party is the only way we get past this present 20+ year shit fit.