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    Cleek's Law wins!
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  • Apparently tyranny only becomes "TYRANY!!111" when Authority moves against an angry <strike>black person</strike&gt Republican.
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  • Milbank has every reason to criticize Booker for lack of substance.  His record shows a knack for attracting money, but…
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  • Mr. Pierce deftly overlooks the entrenched and shared political interest that damns America to two major political parties.  Can you…
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  • Democrats are not the victim of some mysterious force that is explained by Duverger's law.  Rhetoric aside, Democrats stick up…
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  • Your post aches to correctly identify the real problem.  Yes I agree we don't have proportional representation and I'm glad…
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  • So long as Democrats continue to embrace the failure of our two-party system, then they deserve the just as much…
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