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    His name is Van Hollen.  Make an effort. And he did not "give it all up on a gamble."  Edwards…
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  • If your society has class-based elite universities - not merit-based ones like Berkeley or MIT, but schools like Princeton -…
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  • The implication of what you're saying is that the Trump voter is a person whose objective self-interest is to vote…
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  • Do you know what the prosperity gospel is? It's affinity fraud. These people were fraudsters before they heard of Trump.
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  • Walter Williams.  Died 1959, when Cooke was six. Almost certainly an imposter. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Walter_Williams_(centenarian)
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  • "I can recall seeing the death notices of some of the last of the Confederate soldiers; generally they had been…
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  • My wife starts sentences with "No," when she's not saying no to anything.  I don't know when it started.  I…
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  • Harris Poll 2013: 58% of Americans believe in Hell. (42% believe in ghosts.) http://www.harrisinteractive.com/NewsRoom/HarrisPolls/tabid/447/ctl/ReadCustom%20Default/mid/1508/Ar ticleId/1353/Default.aspx Lifeway Research:  "About 6 in…
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  • I hate to be a contrarian, but your statement that Israel has become less tolerant because it is more non-European…
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  • Daniele Watts and her husband were having sex in their Mercedes in broad daylight, on a public street, with the…
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  • But on the whole I did like the article. Keep in mind that McPhee is 84 years old. A lot…
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  • I read this last night and it made no sense to me: there is no such expression as "starboard out,…
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  • He may wind up winning by losing. He called the election in order to rid himself of his moderate coalition…
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  • To be slightly OT, there's also a little thing called the First Amendment.  OU is a public university, which means…
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  • what, you wouldn't say that it in conversation?  Why not?
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  • The other day at the office I said sarcastically about something our adversary (we're lawyers) had done, "that just warms…
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  • I always thought of George W. Bush as a kind of tapeworm - blind, deaf, and stupid, but highly skilled…
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  • The opening sections of Genesis contain two different creation stories mashed together.  Believers in the Bible as the literal word…
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  • Netanyahu is behaving perfectly rationally.  He is pushing out the moderate elements of his coalition - Livni and Lapid, who…
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  • Another utterly ignorant read of the situation. Netanyahu expects - and is probably correct - that after the election he…
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