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    And the sociopathic douche-canoe Governor in Maine refuses to allow first-responders to carry Narcan. How do raging assholes like him…
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  • I didn't help support, or be the first one to bring up his name as a potential Presidential candidate at…
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  • Thomas is an embarrassment for not opening up his mouth, and Scalia's an embarrassment for opening his mouth up too…
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  • D'oh!!! I realized my error, right after I hit "Post."
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  • Sadly, he didn't mean it, since it went up a few years ago.
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  • LOL!
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  • No. It's really all about male control of the women-folk.  By any and every means possible. Though the male religious…
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  • I'm sure Newt came cheap. I've often said that I'm not at all surprised that our politicians can be bought.…
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  • In a Senate full of Republican dim bulbs, outside of the OK contingent, this mop-topped-fop is arguably the dimmest! And…
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  • Great list - but where's Nixon?
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  • WOW! Good for you, BooMan!!!!! I'm very happy for you! Hopefully, this will ease some of the financial difficulties you've…
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  • "If people really understood what the Republicans did this week, they'd be so disgusted that we might actually get the…
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  • So, some more nose-cutting to spite faces, before 2016, when more rational people show up, and try to glue the…
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  • Actually, scratch that. STORE them for awhile, until everyone else's downed trees are put in their front yards, and gone.…
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  • After you chop them, you can try to sell them for firewood. You might just make a tidy sum.
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  • Hang in there, BooMan! Karma owes you some good, after all of the shit you're gone through in the recent…
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  • Oh, and especially on Sunday's, when these Christian hypocrites are praying to a Jesus they know nothing about.
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  • Hopefully, the Democrats running for office use PPACA and Medicaid like a cudgel to beat the Republicans over the heads…
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  • Let people (aka: rubes) believe whatever I it that they want to believe - just no human sacrifice, sex with…
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