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    I feel old. I definitely met some wonderful people through blogs and DL who I'd like to see more of…
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  • Aqua Teen Hunger Force is still going strong. It's on every night at 12:30.
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  • Probably the same general number of natural disasters, but with more of them happening in places where it's either inconvenient…
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  • I think the best thing that ever happens on the internet is when somebody conflates spelling and intelligence. Sure, some…
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  • This is very sad. He was a fabulous writer. Humor, of that quality, is entirely too rare in political writing.
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  • It's the pointless expenditure of political resources to promote and defend a transparently worthless homage to bad policy. I don't…
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  • My memory of the last 10 years is pretty shaky. Some stuff probably happened. I'm sure I was pretty excited…
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  • Infants are very straight forward. If your significant other is breast feeding, there really isn't a great deal for the…
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  • But they are terrible people and deserve whatever abuse is showered on them, even if it comes from an insane…
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  • I'm still disturbed that you root for both the Giants and the Yankees. I feel like you should do the…
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  • I think his argument is a little deeper than that. He's arguing that securitization is already dead and that we…
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  • But if I understand Krugman's article correctly, he's arguing that the market for mortgage backed securities is as dead as…
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  • The securitization of mortgages in the United States began in the 1970's and really took off in the 1980's, which,…
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  • Scrapple. I don't really like the way it's made in most restaurants and diners (too thick and mushy and not…
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  • I sort of liked the new cartons. I think I may need to fly off the handle into an uncontrollable…
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  • The Australian government makes consumption statistics much easier to find than the U.S. government. The percentage of the Australian population…
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  • This is a little convoluted. Prohibition did little to limit alcohol consumption beyond the first few years after it was…
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  • In a bipartisan move designed to appeal to survivalists, end times enthusiasts and the mentally unhinged, I predict that Obama…
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  • For some reason I'm reminded of an infomercial I saw years ago for a product that changed the scent of…
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  • Yeah, I could see it coming a mile away. I'm sure other Philadelphia sports fans saw it coming too. Even…
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