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    "You sir, and those of your fellow travelers are terrorists, and yes, I know the meaning of that word." You…
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  • Dana Kildee has just announced he will sign on to the bill. He's a Stupak ally and from a swing…
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  • My kids liked Raffi when they were little tykes.
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  • "If you want better outcomes, you have to figure out how to convince these people to give them to you.…
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  • I agree with your post, Booman. Obama may not be able to prevent the progressives eating shit on healthcare, so…
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  • Steven -- you sound like a glass half empty kind of guy. Things may be screwed up, but  less so…
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  • I wish the "Far Left" had this kind of power over Democrats. But then, we don't have entire industries at…
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  • As you say, the bottleneck in the process is the Senate, which is why the White House has been wooing…
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  • Luam -- don't know about the cocaine or national guard thing. But do you really think that Saddam had WMDs?…
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  • I'm a Canadian who has lived in the US for several decades. While I love many things about Canada, the…
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