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    Well, no shit. The Republicans are fixated on the idea of war, literal and metaphoric. War on terrorism, war on…
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  • At least he didn't pretend to float away in a balloon. Strictly speaking, as a flaming Nazi gasbag, Rush isn't…
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  • Agreed. America does not have the moral standing to say anything about human rights anymore. We have war criminals walking…
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  • Fully, enthusiastically agreed. While I am all for people talking about revolution, that comes with two caveats. First, actually conspiring…
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  • I think this is one of the rare moments where I can -- if I ignore everything else going on…
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  • The Republicans had a serious break with reality during the Bush years -- actually, some time before that, but it…
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  • Same here in Tennessee. I'm desperately looking to change jobs because my company was acquired by a gigantic multinational conglomerate…
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  • Right. And I'm expected to believe that if both sides were Jews or both sides were Muslims, the conflict would…
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  • And, if it is, what concessions would be acceptable to help see that it happens? If no concessions are necessary,…
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  • Don't mind me. I'm just waiting for Hurria to insist again that the I-P conflict isn't religious.
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  • I disagree. The ideological core of the party will remain unchanged, and the moderates will be used as political cover…
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  • The fundamental problem here is that the news media aren't primarily news media; they're a platform for selling advertisements. At…
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  • Heh. I made my first political contribution of the year the day he gave the speech. While I wish it…
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  • I have to agree. First, because in the inevitable riots and violence that would follow the assassination of the president,…
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  • Doubtful. But they might fight to avoid a Republican Dominionist police state. Me personally, I'd fight just for the chance…
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  • Indeed. It's a mistake that bureaucratic and legitimately political organizations occasionally make. Hitler's power was based on structures outside of…
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  • There is a pacifist tendency on the left that is a good thing most of the time, but not very…
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  • Oh jeez, Hurria, you're such a pessimist. I am absolutely certain that Obama will produce some unprecedented empty gestures towards…
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  • The real downside here is that we have a proposal that is, according to the polls, supported by somewhere between…
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  • What's childlike is the insistence on the fiction that journalists, unlike every other human being, have no opinions of their…
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