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    Where were they when  they were violating Human Rights???
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  • Now you should buy a T-shirt for CBtE that says: Don't mess with Booman.
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  • In Chile,a former chief of the secret police (DINA) Raúl Iturriaga was sentenced to five years in prison (and Manuel…
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  • Not really. Where I come from, they took away the constitution, and right then and there, they started violating interantional…
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  • "this is poison on the brain of our society." You are starting to sound like Charlie Marx :0)
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  • Hey Manny, thanks for the logos!!
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  • Dad, during WWII served mostly as an intelligence officer first as a G2 uner Patton and then in Counter Intelligence.…
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  • It is about time they start using the term disappeared. And, these charges never prescribe, and can not be pardoned…
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  • I hate seeing people get away with this kind of stuff. Way to go man!
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  • Cheap labor and guiny pigs. That is what we are. I know that some company (Pfizer I think) also got…
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  • To that I would add equal pay. We are not just cheap labor. If Americans don't like to d the…
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  • A few days ago some Adolph Eichman documents surfaced in Argentina. First, was a  Passport issued by the Red Cross…
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  • When Gonzales was bieng considered for AG, and Lulac was unconditionally supporting him, I called them and said that I…
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  • My group is formed by those that think alike. You see, were I come from they are all Latinos. And…
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  • I think it was all those hugs...
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  • Booman, I hope that the hugs from everybody here will have a healing effect and you will soon be at…
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  • Way to go Valerie!!!!!
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  • The first setback??? It's been six years of setbacks and we are still here!!!!!
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  • Lets rephrase that quote: What kind of idiots do we have in our "[right wing blog]" community, exactly?
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  • US President wants military cuts   Two years ago, I began planning cuts in military spending that reflected the changes…
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