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    Not really.Trump has been through three wives and is deeply mysoginistic. He's probably done ten times what Clinton has, and…
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  • LOL. And in other news, pouring salt on your farm fields will get you great crops!
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  • I'd list the 500 ways that HIllary is better than any republican alternative on policy after policy after policy, but…
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  • Bachmann's a woman. I just don't believe they'd nominate a woman, even if she's as anti-woman as Bachmann is. She…
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  • On the one hand, the GOP nomination has always seemed almost arbitrary to me - in some states, there's basicallly…
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  • I never quite get why people think that the poor have more money to spend on drugs than the middle…
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  • Never underestimate the allure of a racist white person voting for a black man or woman who supports the policies…
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  • I will not miss their breathlessness even a tiny bit. There was always something odd about their particular hatred for…
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  • I'm all for it if it takes place on a desert island and they have to start their own fires.
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  • Media conditioning (how we got here). Cable tv crime shows, both fictional and true crime. Local news leading with isolated…
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  • I like the guy. He's quick-witted and sharp as a tack, and has a spontaneity about him that is refreshing.…
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  • The thing about Clinton is that there's been oppo researchers, official and unofficial, crawling all over her business for 25…
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  • Dude, I seriously have no idea what you are talking about.
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  • Agreed. I see people getting a lot bolder here in MN, too. Furthermore, these kids aren't going to jail. They…
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  • If they had a higher threshold for parliamentary participation Bibi would be toast.
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  • Basically all that study tells you is that narcissists raise narcissists. Not earth-shaking. Nothing to do with treating your kid…
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  • Yeah, I can't see how the St. Louis-i-zation of Chicago (shutting down local schools in black/hispanic neighborhoods) can fly in…
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  • I'm sure he'll write a delightful newsletter article on the subject.
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  • This reminds me of some of the exhibits I saw when touring the Museum of Memory and Human Rights in…
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  • If Walker runs, the dems should film a lot of political ads from Minnesota. our current unemployment rate in Minneapolis…
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