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    Sorry, but the time to ask 'are we better than this' is long past. The time to ask that was…
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  • My favorite thing about the DNC scandal are the usual liberal Democrat barnacles who have for years whined "we NEED…
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  • My favorite thing about the "we have to do some of this vague get out the vote shit!" genre of…
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  • Republicans said the same thing about racial minorities back in the 80s-90s. They pointed to the IQ gap, the crime…
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  • You said Hillary is not pushing policies to help people in Appalachia when she is - lots of policies.I shredded…
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  • When she loses to Tom Cotton, Cruz, or Pence in 2020, who will then have FDR-level majorities, I hope you…
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  • I can still find folks who think precisely like that. As far as I am aware that is a party…
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  • But anyway, that's besides the point. The more interesting thing to note is that curtadems completely ignored the thesis of…
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  • Democratic Party apologists do this trick a lot, so I'll explain this to people not familiar with this one. When…
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  • Maybe the Democratic Party should offer more to Appalachia and the rest of the country than upper-middle class entrepreneuralism, market-driven…
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  • The clear disproof of that premise is the existence of MANY people working hard on both those frontsLiberals support capitalism.…
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  • It's not enough to stand on a soap box and shout at liberals who you erroneously believe are less liberal…
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  • At this point, barring a convenient heart attack (and maybe not even then) the damage is done and a certain…
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  • Good thing Hillary Clinton, what with foreign policy being the only thing she'll be able to affect on her own,…
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  • The fact that the Democratic Party can't articulate a better vision for the future than 'we can promise you that…
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  • Stand up proudly for the Democratic vision for America. Meritocratic capitalism, upper-middle class entrepreneuralism, American exceptionalism,  insanely hypocritical fake-multiculturalism in…
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  • 1.) He's doing it to get under the Clintons' skin. That's kind of Trump's thing. You might remember him employing…
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  • Other thing is: I have no idea why liberals are so completely obsessed with the 'look at how stuuuupid and…
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  • Trump's entire argument is that he is a straight shooter who tells it like it is, and it's based on…
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  • Domestically there will be nothing left standing. A Conservative Armageddon.As soon as Hillary Clinton secured the Democratic nomination, Conservative Armageddon…
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