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    It's like when Obama won ME and the photo on the front of MSNBCs Politics page was this: That fool…
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  • Who won Colorado?  Huh?  Maybe Tooban can't count.
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  • I overheard someone says, "Clinton garnered 6 - 8% of the black vote in North Carolina."  That's like 17 people.…
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  • Clinton said she'd abide by the rule set for FL and MI. Clinton said she'd close the deal by Feb.…
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  • He just mentioned that since Obama was up 20pts. two weeks ago in NC, he has to win by that…
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  • Somewhere it's happy hour.
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  • This is called "talking about it".   Let's talk about something else. Oooh!  Today is Cinco de Mayo.  That doesn't…
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  • These people are looking at H. Clinton and going, wow, she's just like us!  But they've had 16 years to…
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  • I was running up to mile 2 and the real runners were heading toward the finish line.  I looked over…
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  • Along Main St. and then down Ocean Blvd.  I did so much better than I expected, now I want to…
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  • I ran my first 5K today.  Did not die doing it and will probably do another, soon.  
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  • You gotta be pretty damn ignorant to not want to see a potential POTUS speak.  I mean, damn...I listened Mike…
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  • One of the favorites to at least show, was horse named...wait for it...Col. John. Col. John came in 6th.
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  • Some people are saying that she's openly mocking O'Reilly.  If that was true, then why is Wolfson stumbling over himself…
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  • I know Stoller likes to say that a lot, but then pulls the "some of my best friends are..." thing…
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  • That's what Mr. Pushypants deserves.  After telling Indiana elected officials not to endorse anyone, even though he's been a strong…
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  • It's my understanding that this video is like a million years old.  Maybe he likes the people from Indiana now.
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  • Try it out and you'll see how much you can save.  One of our clients figured that with my car,…
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  • I used to have restless leg syndrome...since I was about 13.  Sometime in the last year, it just stopped.  I…
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  • Now, if you tell me that you pushed out a 10lb. baby in 3 minutes with no drugs, I'll probably…
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