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    When the morons of Los Angeles voted our moronic mayor, Villaraigosa, one of the first things he started in on…
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  • That is exactly what I'm talking about.  The ones at the end, you can't even feel them since things are…
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  • My chiro has me do group of exercises that help relieve the pain and the recurrences.  I've haven't gone to…
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  • But once again, labor beats that out AND I've had that have I had the baby.  With stitches.
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  • I thought labor may be like my back spasm times 3.  It was like my back spasms time 4,000,000,000,000.  I've…
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  • I hope those scientists get together and bring a bajillion dollar lawsuit against those people.  That's malicious intent right there.…
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  • The LA Times had an article in today's paper about House members griping because Rep. Cleaver (D-MO) wants them to…
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  • Backstory:  Bricks-and-mortar merchants don't like the taco trucks.  Law is a taco truck can not park some place for longer…
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  • Palfrey was a madam.  She was the she-pimp*.   *It's a Deuce Bigelow thing.
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  • Don't forget Brandy Britton, a professor who was also ac accused along with Palfrey, suicided last Feb. One of Palfery's…
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  • I'm so glad I ate breakfast after I read this half an hour ago.  It actually gets more and more…
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  • I just want to remind you of a couple of things. Just because someone is only one or two degrees…
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  • She does that a lot.
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  • It's just panda-ing to the environmental groups.
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  • Oh you me The Picture Pandas.
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  • It's half black and half white like Barack.
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  • How is that even possible?  In the second week of Dec. there were 5 racist diaries on the rec list.…
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  • Have writers who have bought the "maverick" tag hook, line and sinker.  We've been treated to articles about how low-key…
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  • In NH, TX, OH even here in CA, I hear people bemoaning the fact that they voted for Clinton.  It's…
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  • There was drama over there back in Feb. about the same thing.  Kid Oakland wrote a diary calling out Jerome's…
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