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    For saying that Obama won more delegates in NV.  That was a fact and I got TRd.
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  • Since January, diaries and comments have been deleted, and authors banned because they deigned to write something exposing a truth…
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  • It's laziness...he's fighting "them" for the people who follow him.  It's like for me, besides absolutely detesting her radio voice,…
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  • This is just another pointless fight that Armando has chosen.  I get that he gets "passionate" about things and will…
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  • When we were rolling in dough and gas was "cheaper" we kept saying that we'd do a road trip with…
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  • The last time I paid $3.60 was probably about 4 months ago.  I remember the gas had dropped down to…
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  • Unfortunately, the answers will probably be so contradictory that the reports would boil it down to, "The Bush Administration doesn't…
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  • It makes me mad.  I choose not to turn on my TV at home, so when I'm in line at…
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  • But know this, we are the trendsetters.  Everything hits LA first; we're city-based lab rats.  We've had all that stuff…
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  • Oooh, can I move there?  We have TV everywhere here in LA.  Grocery checkout line, gas pump, the bank, the…
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  • I thought it was something new and interesting that I hadn't known.  I wasn't raised eating corn syrup (except for…
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  • Why?  Besides the obvious sugar content, that is.
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  • That was hilarious...The Controversy sounds like something Terry Pratchett wrote
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  • If I were ever to write a tell-all book about a quarter of the behind the scenes crap that I'm…
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  • You do such pretty things with words...and my gag reflex.
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  • But Obama's a hypocrite for going on Fox!!!11!!! omigodwe'reallgonnadie!
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  • You can check this site for the video.
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  • Greg Sargent put up a post that was his typical kind of vapidness, and then we got to see Stoller…
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  • That guy is like the ingrown hair on the testicle of life.  
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  • And makes the liberal blogosphere a joke.  We have The Clinton's and Friends always going on Fox, nary a peep.…
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