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    Talked about that yesterday when I saw them on a panel.  Goodman said all the things Goodman said, the complacent…
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  • There have been 24-ish debates and you think there should be more?  If Clinton has been unable to get her…
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  • I didn't even have to see who this was...read the list and immediately thought, "refinish".  
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  • I just may not be cranky this summer.   On a down note, my vehicle's registration has been suspended because…
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  • I dropped a note for Bell and I don't even read the Chronicle, so I'll do so for you too.…
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  • I love this game.  No wonder the GOPbots are always smiling...the mental gymnastics does wonders to those brain cells.
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  • McCain was born in Panama.  He must be some sort of Manchurian Candidate for the Panamanians. Must.
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  • I'm going to do a post on my blog about this and will most likely cross-post, but beyond the lives…
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  • Doesn't she use Google?  Wikipedia?  That's basic information.
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  • For your phone?  I tried using it years ago, but it always crashed, so I'm using the stupid IE that…
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  • It seems the only thing Bay Area and LA can agree upon is that San Diego and Sacramento "don't really…
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  • Say Clinton doesn't get the nomination and all this drama is for 2012.  Who's gonna want to go through this…
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  • Opera is downright disturbing.  Safari is a space sucker.  I don't care what the Mac people say, Safari is not…
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  • We have 4 computers networked here at home.  The laptops could access the network, but not the internet.  Up until…
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  • Over a Clinton talking point?  Really?  I thought it the dumbest talking point of the evening.  Why?  Let's use the…
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  • According to the Pennsylvania State Dept. the tally is: Clinton - 1,237,696    54.3% Obama -   1,043,174    45.7% That's 8.6%.…
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  • Is saying that Clinton has to win 80% of the remaining delegates to win.  What's the margin she'd have to…
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  • That there is no disclosure that he is also the chairman of the DLC...he's just "MSNBC political analyst".
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  • I really, really do...it's utter foolishness to listen to Scarborough and Ford having a conversation like they're GOP vs. Dem.…
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  • I just noticed the line at the bottom that it's Paid for by the Democratic Executive Committee of Philadelphia.  From…
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