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    Clinton had said that white men should be allowed to have guns, but "others" with their machine guns, shouldn't: GIBSON:…
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  • She did admit to lying in the most verbal way.  Gibson looked at her like, "Well, we've all been there."…
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  • You go to the link over there where it says Comments in this box that says RustyPipes (second box on…
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  • While I was watching the streaming debate, I was on the phone with the insurance company during most of the…
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  • They're probably looking at their sitemeter going, "Wow!  We got some hits!".  They've never cared about the reaction of the…
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  • Geez...is Alex P. Keaton Georgie-S an Oompa Loompa or is Gibson like Andre the Giant?  
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  • You were expected to jet in from the coast, dahlink.
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  • Are you telling me that the Love Boat without Julie and when Gopher and the Doc were nothing more than…
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  • They've been down for almost 10 minutes now.  I've sent and email, I posted an entry on my blog...I'm utterly…
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  • When I asked about conflict of interest with Georgie-boy?  This debate is exactly why. I was sure that it was…
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  • Gee...I've spent most of the 9 years we've been married wallowing in politics and he's hated it.  All of a…
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  • I think it was Iraq...right after Clinton gave her answer, he said that and then went on with his question.
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  • That should say, "still reeling".
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  • I'm stilling over his "With all due respect, I don't think we're going to get an answer from Sen. Obama,…
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  • The hilarious thing is that after a week of having these media-dorks tell us how out of touch and elitist…
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  • I came in late, but this is ridiculous.  So far, it's been nothing but crap.  
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  • Obama is hitting it out of the park on that one...calling out the media on their bullshit is brilliant.
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  • I'm loving the focus group response with it.
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  • If they let Hillary hijack the debate with with 20 min. of healtcare and totally ignore the environment (again), it…
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  • Is there a conflict of interest in having Stephanopoulos covering Clinton?
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