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    For real?  LOL...that kills me.  Man, they don't even have the cows at kiddie section of the zoo all the…
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  • Man.  I thought that was funny reading it.  The visual cues in that were brilliant.  Congrats to you both.
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  • It's clear that you know nothing about Spanish-language media beyond scrolling through channels.  I've worked Spanish-language media from two sides…
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  • Was merely one cog in the wheel.  Definitely agree that our jobs being shipped overseas doesn't help matters.  Corporations like…
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  • The Spanish-language media is part of the American media. There's no way to pretend that it's this separate entity when…
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  •  Someone else's post on MLW does not equal everyone against Sen. Clinton.  And considering it's MLW, are you really pretending…
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  • One of the biggest reasons I've been wavering on getting a Masters is because now, "everyone" has a college degree…
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  • It seems to me that people are eager, desperate for a female president.  Some of them are backing Clinton just…
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  • That's a bizarrely nearly troll-worthy comment.  Why single out Olbermann?  Everyone in the media should be reporting this.  Why not…
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  • They'll just say that Chris Dodd is insignificant.
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  • As I've mentioned before, not only is my family deeply religious, but we have a lot of preachers and military…
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  • Yep.  That echoes the point I made yesterday.  It's not just getting up and leaving.  And you're right, the Clinton's…
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  • Your comment reminded me of a most excellent post I read a TPM a few weeks ago by that title.…
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  • Yes, I find it laughable that after embracing Wright years ago, the Clinton's now find him 'hateful'.  Whatever.  But to…
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  • Is that, as Booman pointed out a few days ago, Bill Clinton was in Bosnia 3 days before she arrived,…
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  • Here's the entry and I'm getting just wee bit of hope that the media is done enabling her.  I thought…
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  • I don't understand how or why people are more than willing to put their necks out and make statements that…
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  • I have those same WH records pulled showing that she was pro-NAFTA and wondered if I should do another post…
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