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    Is it good? Oh and looking at that site made me realize how you can't even get a decent hoagie…
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  • But I call Booman's sofa.
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  • It's impossible to get a decent cheesesteak sandwich (among other things) out here in Los Angeles.  You should see the…
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  • Would be Blitzkrieg Clinton, but it lacks alliteration.
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  • Such a positive person...such a uniter.
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  • Sandwiched between the Reagan years and the Bush years, I could have been president and it would have looked good.…
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  • I've spent all day cross-referencing dates with Clinton's recent made up claims about her "experience" and had planned on doing…
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  • npr seems to have a serious deficiency in 'getting it'.
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  • He read Interface and thought it was based on a true story.  
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  • That's what has been bothering about the older/elderly "it's time" crowd.  They had a chance to vote in a female…
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  • I think it's imperative that a statement like this that is so far outside of reality should be blasted all…
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  • You all don't know I need to shave my legs.  I have two little ones here.  Everyday, I say, "Dang...when…
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  • I did a write up on the speech on my own blog using that exact same quote.  What I heard…
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  • No matter what.  These are people who think that Obama should be seen and not heard.  They think he never…
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  • It's strange no?  I mean, the words the talking heads are saying are nice and sound gushing, but everyone seems…
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  • Buchanan is praising the speech and is now pushing the line that Wright spoke like that every weekend, which gave…
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  • Scarborough has two black people not named Robinson, Sharpton or Jackson.  Unfortunately, Buchanan is on the panel.
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  • On the cable channels, their lily-white panelists wondering "Yes...but is it enough for white America?" never mentioning that some of…
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  • I can't wait to see what the spin is going to be on this.  It's a pretty good speech.  Anyone…
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  • That was the first Democratic campaign that wasn't happy volunteering for.  I couldn't get excited about that, though I did…
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