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    The TX Democratic party has rejected Clinton's vote tampering attempt.  h/t to S.L. over at TPM, s/he posted a letter…
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  • Since I'm a upright (ha!) citizen A F C 3 Y O S H W C N F B They'll…
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  • I look at Clinton's campaign; the operation, the rhetoric and I'm turned off.  It looks like the Bush administration.  Maybe…
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  •  Obama didn't say that that MI and FL shouldn't be seated.  He said that he'd adhere to the rules of…
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  • I can't think of any reason to strike...Let me think... [drums fingers] Oh! GRRRRR There's no 35 year old super…
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  • From NYT: Reflecting how tense the situation has become, influential fund-raisers for Senator Hillary Rodham Clinton have stepped up their…
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  • Is that was Obama was wearing on his jacket in Indiana? I noticed he had a pin on and couldn't…
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  • I saw your post earlier and left up the video all day.  About 3 hours ago, I finally watched it.…
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  • And had my headphones one, headbobs through Depeche Mode,  Nirvana, Billy Holiday, Marcia Griffiths...Then my mp3 player got stuck on…
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  • He created legions of partisan Democrats.  
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  • "But I don't have red hair!".
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  • You should put this on SF Kossacks.
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  • That's the other thing that kills me...it's like how conservatives set up their think-tanks with names like Americans for Women's…
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  • I read about that this morning on some other blog and just about snorted coffee out my nose.   A…
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  • Or does anyone else think it's amusing to see our candidates distancing themselves from supporters who look like them? MCain…
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  • Talking to Stoller was funny...I got the feeling at YK in Vegas that he really couldn't believe he was wasting…
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  • There's a reason I no longer post at DailyKos.  There's a reason I would never associate with FDL or OpenLeft.…
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  • When I read an article late last night about the Carlyle Group's money woes, I had to laugh.  I went…
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  • That'll be fun!
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  • I'm most certain that I would have picked up on that in my classes.  So, I'm thinking that tidbitt would…
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