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    That either moderator will no allow Clinton to "hijack a thread" and go into healthcare.  No matter the question, she…
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  • Hagee just endorsed McCain, while Obama went to this guy's church.  It's funny, but he hasn't said anything I haven't…
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  • This is all public knowledge, yet I'm not quite hearing the high level of outrage from all corners that I'd…
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  • See over there.--------->
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  • That at the upcoming debate in PA, Clinton gets asked point blank on this has to walk back everything her…
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  • I hate writing to the DNC, it seems so faceless.  I much prefer to write to the particular politician(s) who…
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  • I agree with you.  We have one car.  We could use an extra car, but that seems self-serving.  I have…
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  • We have our base rate, that we've negotiated with our clients.  Now, things are more expensive, yet they want more…
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  • I just paid $3.87 for gas on Sat.  Thankfully, I'm not filling up my tank every week like I used…
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  • Pappas has lost her damned mind.  That's an ugly and insulting piece.  I can not believe that every one part…
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  • I've been called that...I've gotten the doe eyes, "What racism?"...it's enough to make me puke.  And yes: It pisses me…
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  • I just read the Special Comment.  Yeah, it was good, blah, blah, blah...didn't say anything I didn't post on my…
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  • I just posted on my own blog that I'm disgusted to see that Stephanie Tubbs-Jones, Sheila Jackson Lee, Julian Bond,…
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  • Of course, I live in a Democratic cocoon of Los Angeles, so what do I know?  But the reason I'm…
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  • The Democratic takeover of Congress means "we just have more friends than we used to have," said PhRMA President W.J.…
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  • Is Muslim central. That's where we have our headquarters.  Huge conferences and conventions every year there.  Some of the best…
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  • When I read it, thought how great it was to read Pelosi seem forceful on something, even if it just…
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  • White people back in the day said, "If you have one-drop of black blood in you, you're black."  This is…
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  • JJP put together a wiki back in January, listing all the wonderful Clinton race-baiting attacks.
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