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    This is the same bullshit the Clinton's pulled back in '92.  Only difference, instead of slow-assed BBS, we got high-speed…
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  • Fuck a duck...there's no second guessing this one.  That was Ferraro's role.  And once again, the Clinton's don't understand the…
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  • But here I am, black as could be...if lived in MS and were sitting on the fence, and heard Ferraro's…
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  • I can look at OH and see that 80% of the white voters who said that race was a factor…
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  • They must really, really want her in the general.  
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  • No, Marge Schott, they're attacking you because you're saying bigoted stuff.   I'm am so incredibly livid over that entire…
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  • My body must think we "fell back".  Last night, I was trying to fall asleep at my computer and it…
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  • This is Ferraro: I just posted an entry about this.  After reading Ferraro's comments yesterday, I was livid.  I tried…
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  • Over at WaPo's The Sleuth: In an interview with the Sleuth Monday, he said the "scariest" part of the trip…
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  • I don't know why the DNC and everyone else should cave because these two state parties decided to move their…
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  • I was hoping that Ciresi would taken on Franken and go on to win the Senate race.
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  • That's comedy gold, right there. In other news, I saw the Obama memo Greg Sargent posted at TPM.  It's nice…
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  • Thanks for the chuckle.
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  • I wish I could help with the $$$, but I'm still broke.
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  • She said she was only voting for Clinton at the convention because CA went to Clinton.  She has not made…
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  • He's still a Democrat and former party official.  I think he gets to retain his superdelegateness.
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  • That's not a good cartoon.
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  • Same with Pharrel.  That means I get two more choices then. Hmmm...how about Russell Simmons and Dr. Dre. I can't…
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  • Some people may know him as Black Francis.
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  • That last one should be Frank Black.
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