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    When we bought out house, I was on the mission to get the paint off the tiles surrounding our fireplace…
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  • Jet packs. I'm just putting it out there and I'm sure the Carnackilings would love.
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  • Our Country Registrar said that since it was only 48K votes and the gap between Clinton and Obama was so…
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  • Needs to move out to LA so I can attend.
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  • My baby broke our turntable (little shit pulled the needle out!) and most of CDs are still packed, so I…
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  • He had a chance to be a player before Super Tuesday.  So many of his supporters and campaign workers had…
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  • Were there any other special elections or primary winners who won with Obama leading in the state?  
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  • It's apparent Last hasn't actually been following polls or reading the internet or even looking at history.  I wouldn't rely…
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  • It's in the first sentence of your blockquote: Obama still leads in pledged delegates and the popular vote, as long…
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  • That first sentence brought a smile to my face.  Memories.
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  • Has him effectively reaching his own lungs for air since that's how far up his ass his head is.  …
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  • Are low information voters who think that because they caught a glance on TV they know stuff.  I'm the sort…
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  • The Clinton's campaign (and supporters) getting so upset over that after SNL called a former First Lady a bitch is…
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  • On Thursday morning I was at my local coffeeshop, the news played a clip of her suggesting a joint ticket.…
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  • I don't see the so-called liberal judges being that liberal or that useful.  For the past 14 years, I've been…
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  • I'm with Anonymous in rikyrah's Jack and Jill Politics post on this one.   For crying out loud the Supreme…
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  • All the NYers wintering in FL must have some kind of impact.  That's probably why Giuliani thought putting all his…
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  • That black people are really only in in St. Louis and KC.  Sure, there's some in the rural areas, but…
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  • Would that be buyer's remorse?
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  • Yep.  I hate racists.  I hate politicians who use race-baiting tactics.  I hate supposed Democrats who use race-baiting tactics. I'm…
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