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    It's like a election with the Mad Hatter and the Hare.  Obama and the rest of us are left, "Curiouser…
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  • I'm almost positive I read that on the back of a 70s porno.  I think they should rethink that line.
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  • Oh, that's rich.
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  • Of McCain's speech and one of Obama's old speeches from January and her same old speech that copied off of…
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  • After telling us for two weeks even up to 2 hours ago, how the Clinton's could never close the delegate…
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  • How the Clinton will come out announcing that she's the "Comeback Kid" ignoring the fact that shew as up 20+…
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  • I called it all earlier today.  So far, all the spin from the Clinton campaign has been predicted and it's…
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  • Who used to be Clinton's press secretary said that delegates don't count, what's going to count is momentum coming out…
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  • I know the early voting everywhere, but Houston has been counted.  Then I heard Chuck Todd on TV babbling about…
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  • Just what the hell is that?  I mean, I hate when blacks, Latinos and Asians are dumped in as ethnic…
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  • That's was Olbermann said was outside on a sign at the Clinton headquarters.  We all know that the Clinton's firewall…
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  • And good for Maddow for calling him on it. Buchanan said that Obama's getting the elites and the young. Maddow…
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  • That was the longest month of my life.   What? McCain only talked for 20 minutes?  I'll be damned.  I…
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  • I fell asleep on the floor getting up from the chair.  
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  • I think it's high time for a new speech anyway.
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  • I'm so on board with that.  We need to enter you into the internet slang dictionary for that one.
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  • She's like an angry badger on crack.
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  • Except that he does it when we talk or chat.  So he'll be like, "WWYLFDT?"  Really, really slow and I'm…
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  • You know, cause they're now a big state.
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  • That they count.  You know, cause they're not a big state.
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