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    Egads!  That's horrid. *sniff* At least our crazies just shoot and kill lots of random people.
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  • Then what will we blog about?
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  • I grew up in the 80s.   But that's funny you mention that movie.  I was just quoting some of…
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  • I'm positive it is!
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  • I got an email from John McCain.  The first blurb was weird because it was John McCain this, John McCain…
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  • Kidding.   Man.  Pam wins all the awards; black weblog awards, women weblog awards, LGBT weblog awards, NC weblog awards,…
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  • I'll have to check out that link.
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  • But what kills me is that Al Giordano sounds like a really hearty Italian meal.  With like calamari and a…
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  • That's what I've been talking about for the past year.  The drama in the liberal blogosphere surrounding Obama was and…
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  • That I think Phillips is a a hack.  Britian's Juan Williams, if you will.  And he reinforces this by actually…
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  • I also take offense to the line 'bitch is the new black'. I know it ostensibly refers to black as…
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  • When you use talking points the Clinton campaign sent out.  
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  • Maybe next time...How about a little giggle instead:
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  • You keep posting like people actually think he's a progressive.  He isn't.  No one says he is.  No one is…
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  • Edwards will announce he's jumping back in the race with Richardson as VP.
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  • I read "OHMYGOODNESSWE'REALLGONNADIE" and wondered, "What the hell are 'gonnadies'? Is that some weird plural of gonads?  What does gonads…
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  • All these supposed Dem.Senators that I heartily despise are endorsing Obama.  The Dem. Senators that I like are all still…
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  • I even forwarded your diary along to others to get them to write letters to the campaign and request he…
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  • I will email the Senator's campaign and urge him to sign the pledge.  
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  • Here's theCNN report on that quote.
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