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    I'm so posting that on my blog.
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  • You do realize that you lost me after the second word on your post.  I'll send my husband the link…
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  • When I took my kids to my local Audubon Center, I found out on March 29th, they're going to have…
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  • I never planned on having kids. I don't like children. I have two. I still don't like kids in general,…
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  • Like I said in my comment, I got hooked.  Seriously, I don't expect much from TV, but these first 3…
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  • Kucinich seems to have rolled over his mailing lists from Kucinich for President to Kucinich for Congress.  That's not cool.…
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  • I haven't watched TV in almost 10 years.  Last October, I got hooked on Lost and watched all 3 seasons.…
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  • I'm just tired.  I've been reading, but the idea of typing out a post just wears me out.  Luckily, we…
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  • How about we just drop them on an island with a fanny pack and who ever comes out at the…
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  • Not as loud as the Xerox line boos, but there were boos when she said that line.  It was so…
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  • Wait...calling Timmy out on his Iraq fantasy was good.  Other than that, all of Clinton's answers were either lies, petty,…
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  • Would have Pat Buchanan and Jesse Jackson just repeating themselves in their special brand of English.
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  • I was raised around men who open doors for women and do the chair thing.  While I certainly don't care…
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  • Is it just me, but doesn't it seem that older he gets the looser his grasp on actually speaking English…
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  • The eye daggers and the set jaw.  On a nicer note, she did look exceptionally smooth tonight.
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  • I think with them both on stage, it's a nice gesture.  He shakes her hand and then thanks the moderators.…
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  • OK, I thought you meant tonight.  
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  • I'd pull her chair out for her and pull a Springer.
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  • Would you want her campaigning for him?  
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  • You were on a bus most of the time.  The rest of us had to suffer through this crap.
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