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    It's not just me is it?  She's talking in circles and it doesn't make her look honest.
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  • My husband's a fucking whiner and I have to say that like a billion times a day.
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  • OMG, she brought up SNL.  I'm so embarrassed for her.  I just wanted to cry right now.
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  • Those flyers are old, she's acting like it was the Obama campaign throwing up smears and now we're back on…
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  • They kind of jumped into it?  With video!   Brian Williams:  You kinda of changed a lot in 2 days.
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  • She's spent all day today being congenial and excusing her previous behavior.  Running away before the debates because she's gonna…
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  • I guess I could have gone to the ballet class after all!
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  • Take one swig if Obama says, "This is a debate I'm willing to have." Take one swig if Clinton uses…
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  • Even though this means I have to send my girl off to her first day of ballet class with daddy.…
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  • Cause you're watching when it was funny.
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  • In fact, I've been writing letters to my representatives and reading whatever I could since I first heard about this…
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  • That The Campaign That Can't Run Straight, is using a skit on SNL as their frame of reference?  It's bad…
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  • Is that these people didn't get where they are without being pro-choice.  It's one of those assumptions that one makes.…
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  • So when I heard about this, this morning, it pleased me.  That said, I hope that Obama doesn't pick Dodd…
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  • It was something like: Isn't America lucky?  First we get scolded by First Mom and now First Aunt.  That's what…
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  • I completely agree on that point.  Of course, I'm also a cynic and even said back when she was running…
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  • After Ferraro was talking about how all those people who showed up to vote to count for a hill of…
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  • I read yesterday where he was joking that Howard Dean should be shot.  Is he always this foot-mouthed?
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  • President Hillary Clinton.
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  • Man...I just spent the last hour try to explain this to Clinton supporters, who decided to just stick their fingers…
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