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    You still hasn't even gotten the loan papers signed on the farm yet.  You're making me hyperventilate over here.  Can…
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  • The best part of that article: Asked if he had now flipped over to Obama, Peña said: "I will maintain…
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  • Everyone I think of is doing a good job where they are and moving them out means special elections in…
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  • You're already 11 months away!  I'm still looking forward to summer!
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  • I'm floored by this.  Never thought that Feingold would even come out on this issue.  This makes an Edwards endorsement…
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  • Leave it to CNN to not only do something like that, but not even fix it.  You can not convince…
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  • All the Clinton supporters online are now saying it's not a big deal and that they've always thought the plagiarism…
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  • Was Edwards line.  From Politico: Several readers, and Obama's staff, heard an echo in Clinton's closing line, that the candidates…
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  • 'the', 'are', 'and' and 'it's'.   Totally lifted from Bill Clinton.
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  • Those all have Clinton leading, sure within the MoE, but I want to see numbers after tonight's debate. And when…
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  • Suggesting that Clinton's last response maybe conciliatory and wondered if it was sort of a bowing out.
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  • They noted that it seemed over-rehearsed and the audience didn't like.  I think they did, but they toned down their…
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  • They're doing a post debate wrap up on the MSNBC and none of them thought Clinton did was she needed…
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  • That just may be a Los Angeles-centric joke.
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  • I also had a bad temper and fought a lot.  I had a...uh...reputation.
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  • And she got to end the debate on that.  Dammit.
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  • He's saying that she'll be opening chains of Hillary Clinton 24 Hour Fitnesses, across the street from Hillary Clinton Friday's,…
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  • I was that kid and people loved me.
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  • That I like how CNN is providing the questions at the bottom of the screen.  It gives it a Who…
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  • I'm almost positive Hunter typed something like that last April.
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