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    But there's no stuttering.  He's on his game tonight and I guess having 14 million previous debates can do that…
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  • She's name dropping, and pratically screaming, "Like me, please!".  It's actually kind of embarrassing.
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  • I mean, there was security at flippin' YearlyKos and I had to leave my laptop bag outside the door!
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  • But my husband has watched the Flipper movie 5 times just because it was in HD.  That's where he's at…
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  • We looked and CNNHD isn't going.
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  • It made her thighs look like melted lumps of chocolate. As for Barack, he'll looking like a jr. aide on…
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  • Is that the plight of the indigenous people of Australia has been talked about ad nauseum.  I say 'nice words'…
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  • On men hiring men...qualifications is usually bottom on the list.  But that does make so much more sense when I…
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  • And be served up Wolfie and the black haired lady who doesn't move her neck or mouth when she talks?…
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  • That got a chuckle out of me.
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  • It was rocky and I remember those first few months when names were being floated I kept thinking that one…
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  • Didn't you see the look on Sen. Clinton's face right after Obama gave his speech at the 2004 convention?  She…
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  •  I hate you for making me sit through that.  Don't tell me I could have turned it off.  It was…
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  • BO gets away with this crap because he's expected to say that crap and it's on Fox, so yawn right?…
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  • Asks Clinton to step aside.  A h/t to Baratunde at goodCRIMETHINK (x-posted to Jack and Jill Politics), he received a…
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  • Didn't the UN make any Kosovo state illegal?  Wasn't that what the 1999 resolution was all about?
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  • Is all because of the US signing that thing to make Kosovo a country?
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  • But then he'd have to kill you.
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  • My husband is an astronomy geek and since the little girl was about 2, he's been showing her the skies.…
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  • I have a post I wrote on Sat. about that.  I haven't posted it yet because I'm not hep on…
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