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    I was happy to see the eclipse last night.  I posted on my blog some photos and this: Finally, that…
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  • That is so not the person I want running the country.  If you can't even hire people to run a…
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  • I found out over at TPM that he was seen in North Carolina today: David Plouffe was in town today.…
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  • Their trackback links never work. Let's try this one and this one.
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  • That's what I say.  Or Plowfe.  I just make up stuff, but I never made up 'Ploof'.  Weird.  That should…
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  • Damn foreigners, coming here and taking the jobs Americans can't or won't do.
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  • If there's anything the GOP automatons don't like it's reportage on GOP sex scandals.  Fingers in the ears and all…
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  • While I should never be forced to think about McCain's dick, I read the article going, "What the hell?  There's…
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  • I caught some of Rudd's speech and it was very moving and eloquent. I only hope that there'll be real…
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  • But I think this was a hint that Clinton is willing to run as an independent if she doesn't get…
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  • At first I thought my yard was huge (I lived in an apt. for the past 8 years), then when…
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  • That was the first thought that crossed my mind and I even just posted something similar on my own blog.
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  • With no tripod, it's even more impressive.  If I don't use a tripod my photos look like Tyrone Biggums took…
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  • At first I was making my husband dig it out for me, so I could just have nice planting holes.…
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  • Clinton has run as the incumbent, willing to go along with the charade of having opponents.  Acting as if she…
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  • I just may have to get to Nebraska this fall.  I feel a swoon coming on.
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  • I've been trying to come up with one for the past 3 months.  I'm trying to limit it to 10…
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  • I like the purple theme you have going on there.  I have a purple/orange/silver them in my backyard and it's…
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  • Me, highacidity and ukiyo were just hanging around when highacidity asked if we could get in.  It was pretty late,…
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  • My friend's mom got busted on pretty much the same charge that Ney did, but she got busted at a…
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