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    I just wish I could have honked the horn like Markos did.
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  • We all know that after breaking promises, the Clinton's now want to break the rules in their favor to seat…
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  • That's like me holding white people hostage with the ramblings of Bill Bennett or Fred Phelps or Ann Coulter.  …
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  • Didn't you see that part?  Glen Ford now speaks for black people. I guess.
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  • Really?  That's your go to guy?  For the past two years his credibility has been taking a hit amoung young…
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  • What can you do?  I've cut off friends and family for more minor rudeness.  What I don't get is how…
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  • You're neglecting that little thing.  There's no question that Obama can outfundraise McCain and I'm sure the McCain would have…
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  • I totally scooped CNN.
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  •      10:45 p.m.     Votes     Percent CLINTON     3,584     23% OBAMA     11,691     76% Preliminary results And…
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  • I can't believe that turnout is so huge.
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  • Those slackers must have dozed off: Here's some numbers: CLINTON      666      23% OBAMA     2,258     77% As…
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  • All the sites I have are still reporting 0%.  I'm going to have to go to bed not knowing!
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  • Just their stupid tagger names and names of their tagger crews.  Lame.
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  • It's still stinking zeroes!
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  • There's no problems there.  It's just toll free numbers.  When Time Warner got its monopoly in SoCal, I couldn't call…
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  • The guy's bike sounds like Deebo's bike in Friday.  He's back out there riding up and down the street.  I…
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  • I found the station's local number and got the lady to put me through to dispatch.  They're sending a squad…
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  • My local precinct's webpage isn't even working now!  It's down for maintenance!
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  • I tried calling the non-emergency line.  Since I use a VOIP phone, the number is blocked.  I feel so much…
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