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    Those people who decided that scribbling all over walls is cool.  They've gotten out of hand here and instead of…
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  • The cops are all about taggers right now.  Officer Mike who speaks at our Dem. meetings said that we should…
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  • Um, just about any policy speech he's given lays them out and they even match what's only his website.  …
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  • There's a guy riding his bike up and down our street and I'm wondering if I should call the cops.…
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  • It has it all in there.
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  • I'm going to go out for a smoke and do a sudoku puzzle.  When I come back, I want numbers.
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  • here it is.
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  • Saw over at TPM, after MSNBC called Wisconsin for Obama: Wisconsins just plagiarized the previous eight states.
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  • Of course, I'll probably be asleep by the time numbers start coming in.
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  • I'm sleepy.  I can't believe you're still awake.  I'm ready to go to bed.  I read today that results should…
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  • Steven wasn't telling the CBC that they must vote for Obama.  He merely laid out facts and mentioned that the…
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  • Thanks.  Then I have no idea why MSNBC is behind in the number reporting: Candidate    Votes    % of votes    Delegates…
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  •  The place the rally was held can't hold all the people in Houston.  Not everyone in Houston would want to…
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  • Was to the caucus results from the 9th.  
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  • As Romneyiani-esque (Giulionmney-esque?) candidate; loan your campaign millions of your own dollars and ignore the smaller states at your own…
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  • MSNBC has: Candidate    Votes    % of votes    Delegates won Obama    214,250    50%    0 Clinton    197,980    47%    0 47% of precincts…
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  • MSNBC is replying Obama's entire speech again.  I guess filler waiting for Hawaii to get some nighttime going on.
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  • There was a comment there, where someone said that Obama had 20K people at his rally in Houston.  Jeralyn actually…
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  • "Once again".
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  • How does a Congressman supporting Obama NOT know his Senate record?  That's sloppy.  Those people should be pounded with that…
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