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    Your comments assume the Republican base operates from a core of logic. Bwahahahahahahahahahahahahahah...it doesn't.
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  • I disagree with the premise "...of the day". Warning, this will sound like a medieval, theological discussion regarding how many…
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  • Heh heh, I do not think it's an accident. Why they feel the need to do that, given the audience…
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  • It's always a sink if you cherry pick which study to justify your position. Of course this is one of…
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  • You are a purist, I think...Can't be a purist all the time. You can if you're a member of the…
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  • Others have been saying for at least ten years, Amanda Marcotte was one of the earlier screaming bloggers about this,…
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  • I should add that I saw your piece that quoted Corker. It's all the usual mouthing of platitudes Repups do…
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  • Why wouldn't Corker sign off on a supply side fever dream? I ask because Repubs almost always cave.
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  • Per Cugel's comment above, if there's any way for this to not come up for any kind of vote in…
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  • Again, it's not tax reform.  Stop using the framing of the right. For example, at no time will you ever…
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  • I use a number of his labels. He coined the term "The Gilliard Doctrine" based on a 2005 post by…
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  • Sigh.  Please stop calling it "tax reform".  Again you make things easier for the GOP when you adopt their framing.
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  • Ryan's yet another foolish Dem using right wing framing. Every Dem should read the following: https://ourfuture.org/20170831/trumps-tax-plan-is-a-confidence-scam The key point in…
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  • This. The problem with Dems is that we constantly use right wing framing.  For example, you'll never hear a forced…
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  • Trump's not digging a hole.  This complete lack of filling political slots to head agencies or be the deputies of…
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  • This is just another variation of driftglass's "Republican Detachment Disorder".  These consultants, their clients and the rest of the water…
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  • Let's play Whack-A-Mole with Boo!
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  • This.  A thousand times this.  It's classic Republican Detachment Disorder (to borrow a phrase from Driftglass).  Trump is the id…
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  • I look at a tweet like this and my reaction is it's bullshit and distraction. Now, if he said he…
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  • Professor Mark A.R. Kleiman at NYU has a take on this many of us will understand: "Just a reminder: all…
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