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    The Big Fail that went unmentioned here is that most Islam is the opposite of hierarchical.  Sure, Wahhabism is pretty…
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  • I get your point about avoiding religion, because it's a double edged blade. But we should absolutely make a moral…
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  • Damned liebruls!  Always trying to take away my God given Second Amendment rights to shoot people in the face!
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  • This is why I've felt the debates over drones is misplaced.  The difference between a drone, an F-16 airstrike or…
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  • Hold on a second.... There are people who don't care about bourbon?
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  • Night gathers and now Scott Walker's watch begins.  It shall not end until his death.  He shall take to college…
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  • There are other reasons to oppose the idea of "talent." Talent is considered innate.  As a teacher (or a parent)…
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  • Banananananananana!
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  • Usually, you get the immediate post-debate commentary, followed over the next few days by the post-post-debate commentary that actually anoints…
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  • Thank you, thank you, thank you! Iran is a "bad actor" in roughly the same way Putin's Russia is. They…
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  • One issue though: America's best ally in Operation Ajax was the very clerics who would act against the Shah 20…
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  • LBJ famously said he had "lost the South for a generation" when he signed the 1964 Civil Rights Act.  Of…
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  • How in the world, do you read what was above and arrive at the conclusion that there are no differences…
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  • Maybe.  But this gives the rest of the GOP a cudgel to beat him with.  They didn't want to fight…
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  • I always thought Hillary was more liberal than Bill.  By a lot.  But she inherited his team as Senator. It's…
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  • I understand your point, but I'm going to have to call bullshit. After the Civil War, a growing consensus of…
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  • It's been my hope that the more the GOP screams "SOCIALISM!!" every time the Democrats provide a tangible benefit for…
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  • As I mentioned in other threads: rule of law and property rights are key.  The economic system is largely irrelevant.
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  • Patents do stifle some aspects of innovation, but having a functional patent system is a huge part of rewarding innovation.…
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  • There are such high costs for corruption in places like Russia, Iran and India that if you DO have a…
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