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    Maybe it'll cheer you up to know that Missouri schools are staging active shooter drills.  Did me a world of…
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  • I have a solution. Change the name of Oklahoma, too. Any state that sends both Tom Coburn and Jim Inhofe…
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  • The more common objection to her candidacy that I hear from Democrats is that they are tired of having to…
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  • Wasn't Bloomberg mixed up in some David Boren plan to concern-troll the 2008 election with a third party run?  I'm…
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  • Right, he really doesn't have a niche to appeal to.  The base hate him, the Baggers can't abide him, and…
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  • #3 is the one that leapt out to me immediately, for pretty much the same reasons.  It's one thing if…
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  • It's possible.  But there are a number of possible candidates like that whom I assume are probably Hillary backers and…
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  • I'd like to see Warren run in the primaries, even though she won't do it and she wouldn't win if…
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  • I get a nasty thought every now and then that the GOP establishment has given up on their party and…
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  • I don't see how this was a disaster for the Bush administration.  Because it outraged Democrats?  
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  • Holy crap, I think we just turned the corner into Maslow's Hierarchy of Needs.
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  • Next thing you know, he'll be saying, "I can't comment on an ongoing investigation."
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  • I'm hearing "I'm not a bully, I am what I am, I do it my way," a lot.   Did…
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  • The big wild card to me is how the rest of the GOP will treat him.  I think it's still…
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  • Oh no, Christie's biggest weakness that I can see remains getting past the rabid right wing base of the party…
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  • American politics has evolved to where we have the Thug party and then everyone else.   The challenge is to…
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  • Resigning is for Democrats.  Anyway, by the time Christie's lap-band surgery starts working its magic and he loses 100 lbs…
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  • This really could happen. Some massive solar magnetic pulse could fry 95% of all the digital information on Earth, leaving…
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  • I wish we'd taken the Reconstruction more seriously, starting with prosecuting at the high levels of the Confederacy for treason.…
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  • Do I suck at sarcasm that bad?
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