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    This is an interesting context in which to approvingly quote George Wallace.
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  • I probably should have said, "wtf is up with North Korea today?"  Obviously there are problems, but somehow it became…
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  • Since this is an open thread, does anybody know wtf is up with N Korea?  My wife tells me the…
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  • My first thought was to wonder if/what amendments the GOP manage to attach to it.
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  • My first post was in January 2006, and I must have lurked for a pretty long time before that.  So,…
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  • Does Otis Redding count?  I guess he's more properly labeled as a "soul" musician, but some of his tunes (like…
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  • Run a cost/benefit analysis.  There are no benefits to the US in any but the very shortest of short term.…
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  • You neglected to mention the sweetest plum of all:  the obligatory "Al Gore invented the internet" joke.
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  • I remember reading that article.  It struck me because I had been puzzled by that monument in Hanoi several years…
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  • The question on my mind today, with Reid saying he won't honor any holds placed on Hagel and Brennan, is,…
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  • Funny.  I was about to respond to "Do We Have a Spending Problem?" with "We have a Ted Nugent problem,"…
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  • Probably an academic question, ultimately.  Here in Taiwan, the professional sports teams are named after corporations.  So we have the…
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  • Rand Paul, on the other hand, is only vaguely more representative of the GOP than his father was. People say…
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  • It wouldn't be Huckleberry Finn, unless you could somehow legally compel every reader to understand it.
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  • As to the effect of racism on Dem turnout, I think West Virginia demonstrates that point aptly.  I'm working from…
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  • Say it ain't so.  What about Bob "Torch" Torricelli?  Cleans as a whistle, that one.
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  • Certainly describes me.  I used to read Krugman and Herbert all the time, but when the Paywall came, my reaction…
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  • I'm waaaay late to this party, but having read your follow-up post and understanding how useful you find this feedback…
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  • What about the Nuclear Option?  If the GOP can really grind the appointment process to a halt (and if there's…
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  • The practice of blocking a procedural step known as a motion to proceed, which must be cleared before a bill…
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